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Everything posted by cody

  1. just had the same thing happen about 8 month ago had to get outside toe on left rear foot taken off once healed up took him out and cant see anything different from before he runs fine good luck wi yours atb
  2. nice dog mate abit similar to my own and seems to have same prob wi the stoppers so might invest on those protecters if they work for u atb
  3. honestly not his best trade now but have to put my hands up because i think i could have done that,when he was a pup he retrieved nobother and when i took him out for the first lampin at 12 months he caught 2 bunnies and brought them staight back,a little later on i started runnin him with other dogs and ruined all that hard work so my advice would be to run him on his own till he has matured, my one now drops them about 6 feet from me so its back to some dummy work and hopefully he get back to how he was.
  4. i have a saluki/grey x grey/whip and cant really fault him the only bad point is he has smashed his feet a few times,i think half the time its him runnin to hard and the ground being s**t but everytime i go out he is switched on and always gives 110%,it sounds like yours is like what mine was at that age just mad keen and theres nothing really u can do except run them as much as u can and try and tire him out which should settle him abit.it took my one till about 18 months to calm down and now he is a pleasure to take out and dont need to worrie about him hitting fences flat out and half ki
  5. I think you may find they,re Scottish accent speakers because they,re erm,,,,,,SCOTTISH and unlike the other counties we can have a laugh and dont take it to heart
  6. the two dogs on the right are mine that whin bred they have been to some shows and have won and came second a few times in the pairs usaully do well together not so lucky on there own,also work alot and keep my belly full and ferrets fed
  7. she sounds like a keeper well done credit to u
  8. bet your arms were tired :laugh:nice pair of dogs u got there atb
  9. i have met the boy a phew times now that owns the dog and spoke to him and seems to be a genuine ,i believe the dog gets alot of work in the winter in the field the shows are ment to be abit of fun till the season starts.there not for guys to walk about saying my cocks bigger than yours oops i mean my dogs better than yours and everyones got good dogs aslong as your happy with yours who gives a s**t
  10. aye did you see the state o that laddies jeans 6th pic down, absolutely disgraceful lol yeah u can see i spend the money and time in the dogs and not my threads and brogues
  11. whins dogs its all in the training and the trainer,he taught me well but now its my turn for the credit
  12. just get ur laddie to build u one then get a pic of u putting the last screw in and take all the credit for it because thats never happened before lol
  13. i like the look of the brindle one seen dogs like that in egypt on holiday out in the desert going about with the guys on the camels,other dog is nice to but really like the first one atb
  14. there u f**ked it straight away pup did u hear that pup ffs
  15. i have to be honest the last five shows in scotland that i have been it all the dogs that have won have been black and look alot like greyhounds,but im not having a dig the dogs i seen are in good nick and as u say its up to the judge on the day .i know my dogs are fit and do the job but what can u do i would like to see more variety at shows because some people will get dishearted and stop showing the dogs.hopefully so mine have a better chance atb
  16. yer o eeejits my uncles caut more in a week than youse dream aboot i no i used to carry them
  17. alright lads went out last night took my mates boy and my oldist,because i had enough of when we goin out again when we goin out again and again.so got them wrapped up and headed off local with the lamp and my 2year old sal/whi/grey,first field was quiet with a couple short dashes so nothing there.next field rabbit was about 15 yards out from the edge turned a couple of times and nailed it,and when i turned round and said did u see that the two of them turned and said no we were to far behind (talking) .we headed abit further and a couple of flat face trips in the mud later,we got to a nice we
  18. wait till i get my new set of gregory pecs on sunday,catch rate is goin to double even triple watch this space i think the blind one and his dog are going to have a good couple of weeks
  19. yeah it was a good night one of the best nights i have been out with the dog,and he ran well for being new to the places.to be honest its the first time i have seen a rabbit pull away from him a couple of those bunnies were flying ,but look forward to the next time when my daddy takes me out lol
  20. never mind sellin guns get the pics up of my dog or am taking back the best dad comment lol

  21. cody

    My old man

    How do you all get on with yer auld fella`s My Da is probably the best bloke in the world !! no joke He`ll do anything for me and my family and theres nowt to much hassle for him,,, We love you dad!!
  22. alright everyone me and roxy of the site decided to go for a wee shine last night,i took my dog rollo he's about 2 year old and probably in his prime at the moment,roxy took his young dog about 9 month old for abit more experience on the lamp and she is coming on well.we started in the first field put the lamp on and there was a couple of bunnys sittin maybe 25-30 yrds away.i let my dog of and roxy kept the pup on ,my dog ran straight down the beam turned once right into the cover and caught the first of the night.i then took the beam of to the right were there was a rabbit just lyin, so took
  23. i feed them first thing in the morning but only half usaul measure,if i dont go out that night would just give them the other half later.if going out they get it when we get back.but thats just me everyone will probably different
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