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Everything posted by brosco

  1. hi there ,could be interested if you still have it, bit far to travel so the price would have to be negotiable due to distance. cheers HI MATE, WHERE ARE YOU AND WHATS YOUR OFFER? CHEERS.
  2. Hi mate. From St Helens near Liverpool.
  3. Still here lads, I have just put 6 months tax on it aswell.
  4. Still here lads, I have just put 6 months tax on it as well.
  5. Hi, From St Helens near Liverpool. WA9 Area.
  6. If you still have the cross trainer on Thurs I'll have it and my boyfriend is interested in the running machine. If you still have them PM me or call 07938564552. Cheers.
  7. ST.HELENS merseyside cheers kev. PM SENT MATE, GIZA BELL, CHEERS
  8. ST.HELENS merseyside cheers kev. pm sent mate giz a bell cheers
  9. this dog is chris hickling bred parents are proper dogs
  10. how much do you want where you from mate cheers
  11. give me a call over your lamp cheers
  12. sent u postal order mate cheers
  13. Hi, Can I send you a postal order for the working longdog by frank sheardown?? I dont have a paypal account. Can you let me know please and if so can you pm me your address so I can send the money asap. Cheers, Alan.
  14. bout 1hr long really good imfo on it the guy on it goes to all game fairs races the greyhound and piegion
  15. ive got a coppie ive watched it can have it for 10pound [bANNED TEXT] i paid 4 it
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