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fresh earth

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Posts posted by fresh earth

  1. This is the first of me having a look on here but if your still after a line i have a hob there you can use for free i wouldnt want anything for it i ended up using my old cinemin hob on her and have got a half and half litter there that ill be keeping a few of so as i say if you havent lined her yet you can use mine the only reason i didnt use him myself is it was his mother i was wanting to line.


    Your welcome to come out with me when the season comes again veedublee. I wouldnt start your kits till the end of the season as i have found over the years they tend to piss about while there still young mine never realy come to till there second season but as i say ill get you out when i start back at it about august time.



  2. Its the first litter i havent taken the dew claws of and the only reason is i was in stoke on a training course the week she had the pups so when i came back they were to far on to take them of thats the one and only reason. As i say i always take them of and tbh should have had someone on stand by to do it but she went early and i intended being back before they were ready to come of its a bit of a pisser but iv ran dogs in the past with dew claws and as much as id have prefered them of at 8 days old i would rather cross the hurdle when i come to it as take them of at that stage .

  3. Cocker has regular pictures up of his dogs and are always in top condition one of the real genuine folk of this site it would be a fisical imposibility to get a kc reg saluki for this price never mind a well bred one from proven working lines like these. If i had the work for a saluki i would have had my name down on one of these.


    regards kris

  4. Cheers folks she had 5 dogs 4 bitchs this time last time was 6 dogs 2 bitchs if the last ones are anything to go by then they wont go wrong. All mine are related so wouldnt be a great idea keeping a dog pup so the black ones out of the picture. I had actualy said if she had a black bitch it would have been my pick but ill be choosing once they show there personalitys and start taking a bit shape.

  5. Well decided after the way the last litter has turned out to line my black bitch again she is almost 6 so im wanting to have one of hers started for when she is slowing down in another couple of years. Pups from her last litter are racing against some top class peds and working in various types of homes. pick dog is also being shown with decent results and was at crufts 2010 incodentaly he is also running heats against a simulated coursing and race champ so im more than happy with the results. The pups are about a week old now mixture of colours prity much all spoken for before she was even lined. Im undecided what ill keep back as ill be letting them come on to about 8 weeks before i make the decision.






  6. Seing as iv bred and kept racing and working dogs all my life i have a bi experience and obviously things change dog to dog i have one bitch that i feed as above about half a cup of red mills racer in the morning and half a lb of mince at nite to me thats more than enough as in racing condition quarter of a lb of mince and a half scoop keeps her at 22lb at 19". I usualy wait till the pups are out then start giving her goats milk etc she also gets fish every 2-3 days and an egg on oposite days but generaly you dont need to go over the top with feeding a bitch in whelp. I never actualy weigh or measure what i feed any of my dogs i judge by eye and as i said you shuld know by looking at your bitch if she is getting enough or not but as said yes better to much than not enough but a fit properly fed dog will be healthyer and have healthyer pups than an over fed unfit dog. Some dogs need alot more than others i do have one bitch who eats almost double to stay at the same weight.


    What breed is the dog and what hight should be able to give better advice if we know what were talking about bud.

  7. Seriously anyone breeding a bitch should know these things long before the situation comes along. I never feed any different i have whippets and half a lb of meet and a handfull of red mills racer is all she gets but its good high quality food once pups are a few days old she gets an extra handfull of red mills you should know by looking at her whether she is getting enough. Some dogs are like a child in mcdonalds just because she is eating it dont mean she needs it. I had a 27" 8 stone american bulldog who had 1 pups and she wasnt even getting half what your feeding that bitch.

  8. Ill empty my inbow saxo master . Dont rush i have done in the pat and ended up having to start over again. There are a few litters coming up around here with lads im out with on a daily basis one is expecting a litter of beddy type's from two 17" dogs and there is a litter of whippets coming up shortly. If its whippet grey your after just keep a look out plenty pop up but dont just buy any crap as even pups from open class and derby stuff sell for around the 100-150 mark and are lightning fast although can be a bit fast for the novice and alot of lurcher boys would waste them as the last thing these types need is unpatience and its not easy when you see a 7 month old pup thats like lightning and need to convince your self to hold her back. I didnt in the past and had dogs atrting at 7 months and 9 months and wasted potentialy good pups now i tend to let the dogs come on them selfs but if they want to self enter before i feel there ready i keep them on a leash around any area i could see game.

  9. She is bred down from a very handy bwra whippet who has won more than his fair share of races but also works and has taken all sorts and alot more than you would expect these type of dogs to. She is only 9 months so hasnt seen game yet she wont till august as i wont start a dog to early for the sake of a rabbit or two. I have only entered her on the lure as i say she is only 9 months but she will race aswel as be worked over the winter along side my ped's. She is a very switched on pup and is a natural retriever like her dad. Wont be any trouble to enter to game as she is already raring to go but as i say she will be held back till august to let her mature out. I dont work any of mine on summer quarry as its not the most sporting nor smart as culling juvenile and gravid quarry just reduces the sport for the coming season.

  10. Thought i would put some piks of her up to let the people who have been asking see how she is coming on. She has had a few runs on the lure and chased no problem just like i knew she would. Just keeping her ticking over now till the fields are ready to be bailed and we will see how she does. These piks were taken about ten mins ago so as upto date as could be.




  11. Crush is coming on fine bob settling down but still likes a yap to herself. Never grown any just matured on a bit . Been working saturdays till 4pm its been driving me mad. Iv been keeping her on the leash as she was klipping her toes when walking on her front right so though she maybe took a knock so giving her a chance as iv seen a few decent greyhounds snap hocks after a slight knock. But all in all she is a cracking wee bitch soft as muck loves a good rub of the belly lol ill get the mrs to get a few shots of her tomorrow and stick em up . Didnt make the show today forgot it was bloody on how did it go was it busy enough ?

  12. Bottom line is an alsation and a bulleterreir are dogs worlds apart a bullterrier is bred to be game with power and to be athletic a 3/4 bull is clearly a terrier mans dog and no alsation on the plannet would compare to a game bred bullterreir. As for the pups being of use i think this was seriously unthought as the dogs will be more of a guarding/herding mix than a running type so unless you want something to run down the local kit heads after break ins then i see little use for one . I dont debate they will kill things but realisticly what will they do often enough to be worth the feeding and how many alsations do you see with disgracefull hips there are a million things i would use to breed a lurcher before id even take a second glanse at an alsation and i have been brought up around proper working german sheps.

  13. Geese its whippets i own ? my dogs all retrieve live rabbits to hand if i wanted rabbits for dog feed id still have my bullx. He also didnt have a hair out of place. I run a rubber brush over all my dogs every day to keep there coat in good nick a scruffy looking dogs no use to me when i pay alot of money for something i respect and look after it. All the rabbits have some fur out of place. As for the hare it was shot on a shoot run by a close freind and was merely tracked by the bitch , she wont touch dead game so its not surprising it has a lovely thick clean coat. I run my dogs on heather quarys and plows and my dogs are never in a state any different than above. The first picture was taken at a race meet and the bitch had just run 3 or 4 trials as for more muscle for an 18" bitch i wouldnt want her any more muscled up she is bang on 22lb and thats her bang on she is on red mills racer with added game and fish and thats her natural shape she runs loose for 2 hours a nite so the only way i could get any more muscle on the specific dog would be on a tread mill and i dont believe in the use of them i prefer to be hands on.

  14. iv used the site for almost 10 years so know how alot of people take things i find it funny sometimes though as most of the ones having there dig know very little about what there haveing a dig at.


    As for the differences for instance show stock is considerably bigger and now a slight difference in shape also most show lines are bred along a certain line and are mostly the same colours. Laguna was a racing line alot of years ago but as far as im aware the lady who once owned the line's daughter now breeds the laguna line and shows it . A properly bred race dog will be a hell of alot faster and have a slightly thinner coat and if you have a good one you wouldnt over work it anyway as the speed and bad ground is asking for hastle. A proper old coursing line would be a bit thicker coated and the ones i have seen were a longer leaner type of whippet. All more than capable of taking rabbits alot of the show stuff is worked and do it well as do some race breds but the reality is if you have a dog worthy of a champ ither on the track or in the ring not only would you put its career first but there would be little point working it as the race bred would be to fast and tend to do tendons or the likes and the show champ would be a big robust dog that yes would take the odd rabbit but i find they shut of a bit and tend to just run into things.


    A race bred would usualy be 18-20" as anything over 21 cant get a passport. Show lines usualy just over the 21usualy but upto the 23". Lately i have seen working kc whippets range from 17" to 24" now as far as im concerned a whippet should be bred to be a whippet no matter of its purpose.

  15. Some cracking pictures and stunning dogs folks . Agree with the over exageration in the pik tho she was actualy stood like that her self and a mate who is into her showing took a few snaps i do agree she looks well in the other pictures but i think the first one shows her fitness a bit better she is a funny bitch to handle and wont let anyone barr me near her not even my other half.


    I work all mine on all sorts of land coast lines quarries pig farms ratting dumps and chicken farms with ferrets on railway banks in dense woodland golf courses the lot and they never fase although i only work the black bitch in dense woodland as she can work around tree's and is realy swiched on my others get tunnel vision and i wouldnt risk 6 weeks of or death for the sake of half a dozen rabbits.


    Cheers for all coments as i say i like to hear peoples views and see what everyone else is working with seen a couple of whippets from your line parkstone and liked them all. Deffo prefer mine to breed standard as stated a whippet should be a whippet any bigger and youd be aswel with a lurcher. As for vixen nice looking bitch always liked the look of her funny how alot of people are keen on the show line dogs though but i recon its just the un educated eye as alot of people wouldnt give a dog a second look knowing it had show lines. I find alot of stamina in show stock but seriously stuborn and tend to turn death sometimes.

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