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fresh earth

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Everything posted by fresh earth

  1. In what manner do you mean inept ? Sowhat she is out a very handy race bred who holds a im sure 5 champ titles and a couple of records as i say she wasnt bred for the field if she doesnt make the grade on the track ill then enter her but i dont intend working her until she has her chance on the track . I dont do much different with her all the same excersise and stock breaking etc but i have 3 whippets for working so this wee bitch can do what she was bred for. i will pm more about her breeding .
  2. Well first of all i would like to wish everyone a happy new year and all the best for 2012 and the year ahead. I find myself rarely on here anymore but iv had a few messages lately asking about my pups so here is an update ty the brindle i bred and was born back in may she's turning out fine and is proving to have the same attributes as her dam who i have had the pleasure of working for a good few years now . She will be 8 months in just under a week she's 18" now about 21lb in weight i expect her to make the 19" and will work her at about 22lb next season if she finishes at the same sizes as
  3. First of all my old bitch tares her stoppers which i should have probably said rather than pads and the reason being is i run alot of hard ground and some of my pest control involves industrial estate grass areas that im not alot to shoot due to idiots peppering units with riffles and she unevatably tares a stopper now and again when she ends up catching on tar but then again what dog wouldnt . Before anyone says anything about bad area to run a dog etc i know when and when not to slip my dogs and know fine well the consiquences if they hit the wrong surface but i would loose a serious amount
  4. What contradictions ? when i said id give her at least a few months i meant before letting her loose of a leash with no other dogs etc then it would take at least another few to get her ready to run if she ever was ready to run . Bottom line here is this there are to many idiots the now who think a dogs working life starts at 6 months old and the reality is it doesnt . People now rush in two feet first and end up with a dog thats no good for nothing. Time is and always has been the secret with dogs and somewhere along the line this has been pushed aside and its now comon practice to be run
  5. These posts baffle me at 7 months a dog should only be learning basics i bred this bitch and have the litter sister who as iv said over and over wont be doing anything other than meet stock and learn to walk to heal for at least another two months . Her mother is 5 and a half and has till this day never been lay up for anything other than toren pads . i Baught her as a 10 month old pet but knew the dogs she was down from and she didnt see anything till almost 14 months she now takes whatever she is pointed at works around stock jumps marks for fun works a net lamps and can move around a tight
  6. The key here is in the comments a bitch who is kept with a heater is clearly going to be used to a bit more heat and not prepared for a suden drop in temp. The reality is the whippet like any other breed if outside all year round gets used and prepares its self for the cold weather its coat thickens just for starters . A dog kept in heated bedding or indoors has a considerably thinner coat as it needs to keep cool inside so when thrown out into the pissing rain with a gail force wind or thrown into a kennel with a couple of rags as the heating is of its hardly surprising when said dog feels th
  7. i wouldnt worry about her being out later mate mines literaly doesnt get to run much she is never of the leash when the others are there as it just encourages carry on which leads to injurys. Your wee bitch looks in fine nick for having the injurys. mine get out while im lamping to begin with usualy about the 8-9 month mark just so she learns to walk to heal and follow the beem etc and stay calm while i run another dog . Then in the spring ill do the same with her ferreting and give her a few sitters on the lamp at about 10-11 monts but nothing major ill not realy start her till next season bu
  8. pm me your location and number if you have any bitchs left
  9. I have an old cluson iv had for years and a £30 one most hunting shops have now its surprisingly decent good clear beem doesnt light up the field which is good if your planing on running a few rabbits in the same field i also just went to my local motor bike mechanic and got a couple of old batterys for nothing and charge them on an old battery charger iv had for as long as i can remember all in all cost me £30 plus fuel for my new set up and its more than capable .
  10. Pups looking well mate how is she coming on now her sisters 18" that i kept the black dog pup out the litters 18" aswel also seen the other brindle bitch she is 19" same size as her dam she must be sleeping in a grow bag lol . Ill get some photo's of her sister tomorrow when i can get them out in daylight. Was reading about her wrecking her bed her sisters the same she's on a rubber mat at the moment as she just pulls any other bed i put in to bits . Trainings coming on she sits stays heals and has started jumping now will start taking her out with her mum to see whats happening while im of ov
  11. i have 5 whippets 1 show bred who kennels alone the sister and dam to veedublee's bitch who are both kenneled on there own and two race breds who i kennel together simply as one can be noisy on her own. Like any other dog a whippet thats kept outside all year round will have a more dense thicker set coat especialy a pup over its first winter . I walk mine at 6am and none bother about the weather my show bred will stand and shiver if i stand about for any length of time but iv seen broken coated lurchers do the same. I wouldnt buy a pup out a house at this time of the year and throw it into a r
  12. Glad your doing good by her the only thing i can say is some long rest and she will still be capable of a rabbit or two iv seen a 3 legged retired greyhound take the odd rabbit all you can do is persavere and hope for the best but i would barely do a thing with her for 6 months then see how she comes on . As already said on here its a hunting forum so most lads would pts as a dog could live 15 years and thats a long time for a space to be taken up in a working kennel but in your situation with time and =perseverence the bitch could turn out alright and any dog can catch rabbits aslong as you
  13. Its a whippet so unlike a 28" lurcher even with a leg of could make an older person an ideal pet and companion . Realisticly though mate theres two roads one you fix her and keep her or rehome her or find a charity that will do so . problem is finding the right home and not someone who says its for a pet but realy isnt. Refering to the actual injurys 1 broken leg can be recovered from properly in young dogs but in my honest opinion once a dogs had two broken legs i wouldnt even consider trying to run the dog. That said mate put the time and effort in and properly rest her and you never kno
  14. Has the dog caught any of the rabbits its running on ? if your slipping the dog on rabbits that are to far out and its not fit or hasn had a rabbit in a while thatl be the reason one of mine is murder for it if she is out a couple of nites and hasnt had anything and is running long runs she starts opening up but shes as quiet as a mouse ferreting mooching and aslong as shes getting the odd kill and easy run she's happy none of the rest of mine open up but i dont enter mine till there fully mature and i give them easy runs for a while before i start pushing them . The dogs either needing some e
  15. alot of guessing going on in the thread the reality is you can breed them but what will you produce and do the risks out way the gains ? what are you mating brother to sister for ? in nature a sire regularly covers many of its ofspring but bad traits are more easily reproduced and magnified than the good ones in my eyes theres little need for this sort of mating unless your breeding champions to produce champions in only two breeds of dogs could i see a need and thats racing greyhounds or fighting bulls the bottom line is theres nothing to be gained from a brother sister mating for any other p
  16. ill pm you tonight mate my box must be full regards kris
  17. Mates ordered the stuff and double ordered by mistake and theres a charge on returning the stuff iv just got two bales of him for mine as have a few mates he has a fair few left 25kg roughly in a bail there £10 a bail a few folk had asked me before to get them stuff so thought i would stick this on if anyone is interested pop me a pm and ill give you his number i always use the stuff over the winter . Edited to add east fife area scotland but he is at thornton racing regularly and can drop stuff at me or local .
  18. Alrite mate glad she is doing well and she looks great im doing very little with her sister she is walked a couple of times a day but is rarely of the leash and iv never got her of with the other dogs as they are very easy injured at this age . I would walk her short walks every day round the block or whatever she doesnt need anything crazy i just give mine obedience stay heel leave here fetch i also do alot of getting use top the ferrets about january ill start letting her see a few rabbits (my pup) and at about 10 months if she is right enough she will get her first kill i dont rush realy an
  19. as above got a vitara doin bits an bobs to it any ideas ?
  20. i was thinking the same it was motd last week and sailed through it iv checked over the exhaust and didnt seem to rattle but ill have another check over it today ill get it up on the ramp
  21. My vitara has started giving of a rattle when started it sounds like its coming from underneath and deff not tapping its a solid clunky like rattle only for a second when its started then it runs sweet as a nut no noise ticks over fine pulls fine etc it has a su carb and as i say apart from this runs fine any advice on what it could be would be apreciated . regards
  22. If your enquiring on a pup and he owns the stud wouldnt the best bet be ask to see him run and make up your own mind ?
  23. its hardly a silly thing to be doing when the pups been lay up with a stookie on keeping its leg warm and swetty the hair could also be thinned down also after a break like she has had she as lee states wont be doing any heavy excersise so wont be keeping her temp up as a normal dog running about would be. I would try looking for an italian greyhound one mate should fit her as good as any puppy coat would for the time being and mite be easyer to find one .
  24. i they grow quick mate poor wee sod with the leg all stookied up she looks a fine size if you know what her weight was at 13 weeks double it and thats what her racing weight should be i would recon around 22lb her dam races at about 21-22 and i work her at 22-23 over the winter . She should be about the 19" mark at the most the 2 bitchs from sadies first litter are 17" .
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