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Everything posted by irishlad

  1. happy days, wat breed is it? bull x or wat? my names caolan to haha, am sapoesd to be over for my birhtday its on st.paddys day haha all let you no if i come over

  2. i heard this on the radio today, wat a joke!!!
  3. anyone no were i can get any coursing dvds, preban obv
  4. ohryt sweet, i ust da live in carnhill, i live in england now lik but come over all the time, am over for st paddys day, wats dogs u have then? we have to get out 1 nyt

  5. hello mate nice dog. wat breed is it? tell me about the snow mate, i live in east sussexs aswell
  6. can u send me a picture?>????? am interested!
  7. ohryt [bANNED TEXT] i c ur from derry were abouts? cause i ust to live there, and am always going bk and forth, u do much hunting?

  8. hello mate can u send me a pic? i no sum1 whos looking for a dog
  9. hello mate have you got a pic of the saluki greyhound dog
  10. citroen berlingo 9 months mot 8months tax, excellent condition for year! very clean inside, drives well £700
  11. mate were abouts are ya? all have the lot off ya, if it isnt to far away from me? send me ya numba
  12. how much you lookin for it mate if you dont get a swop
  13. my mate keeps hijacking my huntinglife lol, yh there wont be much left when shes up and going, hopefully
  14. i will fight you im not scared you mention collie to me again and thats it meet you by the fag butt near the old rabbit hole be there or be square
  15. my new bitch she is 14weeks now, settling in nicely, apart from chewing everything!!!
  16. they cant do nothing if you are walking up the road mate,they got to see you in there, dont worry about it,keep hunting
  17. its doing my head in now, can someone please tell me how to put pics up?
  18. hello mate i got 1 for sale 8months old bitch if your interested,
  19. i like it when a dog puts loads a pressure on a hare straight away bit more exciting than watching him sit behide it for ages and getting the odd strike!! and yh i like it when they go in the bush after them, then you here the rabbit scream, HE GOT HIM HAHA!! thats only my opinion lo
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