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About bubbles

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. does anyone ferrett without using locators and which is the most effective way
  2. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...ficial%26sa%3DX form an orderly cue folks i want one first
  3. anyone who puts a bonnet on a ferret deserves to get f***ing bit by one and i mean locked on haha disgrace that
  4. on channel 4 last night basically 5 tribesmen from a little island called tanna come to england to experience life in england and theyre most enjoyable experience of the whole trip was a day out ferreting in norfolk quality anyone else see it
  5. all sorted now mate but thanks anyway
  6. cheers bill i still havnt had any joy any help would be much appreciated
  7. thats a bit out the way for me mate but thanks anyway
  8. birmingham but im willing to travel
  9. is there any lads in the midlands with any ferrets for sale
  10. bubbles


    ferret v squirell is always a good scrap them greys are tough little blighters
  11. they some big stinkers mate god help the rabbitts round by you
  12. how many died by way of the gun and how many did your stinkers catch just wondered
  13. nice pics dave thought i recognised the garden
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