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About seanygonzo

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Hello there, am not sure I have posted this in the right place, if not then I apolagise and please move me! I am trying to find if anyone in the gamekeeping community has any information/ pictures/ knowledge about Henry Manners, who was head gamekeeper at Braydon Park, Nr Purton, wiltshire, around 1860? I have recently found out he was my great great great grandfather and am excited that I have (albeit dilute) gamekeeping blood in them here veins of mine! Any knowledge info would be much appreciated. Many thanks all!
  2. thank you john, indeed very usefull! bought one off you today to play around with! cheers, s. and its here on saturday already - really can't praise the fourteenacre servise enough!! cheers john.
  3. hello all am thinking of getting a few fenns (mk6) for rabbit control, have read up about how and where to set them (in artifiicial tunnel or prefereably in mouth of warren) (?) was wondering if anyone has any pics of a fenn actually set in position, to give me a bnetter idea of how far and deep to set inside warren entrance, how well disguised trap needs to be? seeing this would be much more usefull i think, and deffinatly want to make sure im doing this right and safely before commencing!! again thank you everyone for your help! cheers, sean.
  4. ok, cheers! i imagine this means that my nights are going to be pretty fruitless for the next week then!! ........buggary.
  5. Hello all, firstly would like to say thank you to all who have helped / adviced me with snaring on here - success rate has really improved through taking your advice. Nextly - i want more information and advice! Wondered peoples ideas about the effect that weather conditions have upon snaring success, the behavious of rabbits, and how to overcome any difficulties that adverse weather onditions present? for example should snares be set differently if they're to be out in heavy rain? higher lower? (or set at all)? I have always assumed that its best to set snares if areas most
  6. This is a lovely trap, simple and easy to make and works really well as a multicatch, though i have found that if left long enough, maybe especialy in day light the mice will eventualy find their way out.
  7. Ok, cheers ian, I guess it’s a case of patience will pay!! sean
  8. Hello and thank you mr teapot! am alway impressed at how helpfull and forthcoming people are on this forum! My problem is that im on the edge ( approx 7' wide) of a barley field, which means obviously i dont want to follow the rabbits into the field myself, as i may end up doing as much damage to the crop as the rabbits as the year gos on!! am also aware that snaring too near the hedge itself may be problematic, as the rabbits will either be sitting and looking for danger and the n avoiding the snares or will feel safe up against the hedge and so limp along slowly, and so not bolting bl
  9. are we talking theoreticly or practicly (legally)? am not sure of the legality of it (anyone?), but using a cribbet trap type mechanism should do the tyrick! are mighty fun to build also! have had a crow in a rabbit cage trp before aswell, if you baited appropriatly you could probably use that aswell. sean.
  10. a quick additional question then to settle an arguement between my brother and me, is it good practice to set snares on the entrance and exit points that rabbits make through a hedgerow?? i would of thought i would be as effective as fence snaring wouldnt it? as long as its tight in against the hedge and hidden enough??
  11. cool, thank you, does anyone buy mature pheasants pre - shoot to add to the wild game already on kept on sight?? if so what would the price of these be? am thinking about raising pheasants to maturity on the farm premises before then selling them off to you 'gamekeeper types'!! is this done at present?? would this be viable financialy and would anyone (gamekeeper, shoot organisers) buy these?? soory for my lack of knowledge!! sean.
  12. hello guys, am thinking of moving across into pheasant farming, (to be then sold on for shoots) was wondering if any of you guys purchase farm reared pheaasants for your shoots? and if so what the going rate per pheasant is? hope this is not to private a question, or for that matter that i am causing any offence by asking it. Am just trying to weigh up the financial viability of it all!! thanks to all in advance, your help ould be much appreciated!! sean.
  13. cheers for the replys guys, am in suffolk. Well yeah, if anybody local is willing to let me ghost them for a morning of snare setting then that would be very usefull and appreciated! s.
  14. Hello guys, was hoping to pick the brains of the bunny experts if I may!!?? Am very new to this snaring lark, but am very determined to knowledge up, improve, and become a skilled practitioner. Have had a little success so far with fence snares so far. Wanted to ask whether it is a good idea to stick with the fence snares until a decent level of success is attained, or whether it’s worth starting on the pegged snares already?? Also, something I haven’t been able to find out anywhere else, do multiple rabbits use the same runs? I.e if I catch a rabbit on a certain run, should
  15. hello all!! found this when snooting around today, wondered if it may be of some use to some one?? http://www.scribd.com/doc/3031816/Homemade-Traps-and-Snares cheers, sean.
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