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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. Must some hares around your way did you miss any????What why is the dog breed good bag
  2. Does anyone know if lucas is going match mona and will any off you be at the match if it happens
  3. Your right mate would not want to break paddys new camera all in all a good day but there be better to come l hope
  4. Yes but it is getting hit every year because your leaving them on the land.Get rid off them and you get rid off mixy.Yes they can breed again but if it on the land they will get it in the end
  5. Kill as many as you can on the land and bury or get rid off the dead ones lying about then the land have a chance down the line.Went too a spot last week that has it on the land going hit this land hard lamp and ferret and take as many off as l can then before the season ends and the spring is here before the breeding starts to see if it helps
  6. Was good day never seen someone get hurt so much in a days out ferreting but its so funny when it is someone else and not yourself.Was to many digs rabbits did not want to bolt at all.Thought with the weather we had we should have got a lot more but there always next week.
  7. hahahahahahah get it of how embarising Thomas don't be coming on a topic a ruining with your stupid wee digs.Nothing.wrong with a whippet grey for ferreting and lamping.At lest this people are taking about there own dogs.By the way good topic and good read
  8. Happen too me two mates few years back calling up fox and barn owl near took my mates head off.Twice it has happen now
  9. Who is putting pups down putting down the way you lamp 3 dogs one hare come on and now there pups.Still does not make it right to let 3 go on a hare.
  10. it took 3 of yours to catch a big rabbit so they must be GREAT DOGS This guy is making my night.Its not take a good dog kill a hare on the lamp but l had to slip 3 :toast:
  11. You tell me why you would want to bring a lab out on the lamp pls in case l am missing something in the lamping world
  12. Trust me that vid will never make you dogs look good but keep it up so if there any young people on tonight or tomorrow and are thinking about starting lamping this good vid in what not to do.A lab running hares on lamp f**k sake stop just dont say anything else
  13. Ha ha dogs that good takes 3 off them to catch a hare,the rabbit out running one dogs so person doing the lamp runs the rabbit himself.Lamping comp heard it was draw
  14. I lost that spot because there was people long netting it and doing a better job :toast:
  15. The dogs where sliped at the hare must be good dog men the control you have over you dogs when another dog is running is unreal.Why would you put up a video like does f**k all for you or your dogs
  16. lol dick head No dick head dont mind people lamping hares but to do that what chance does it have what is wrong dog not good enough by its self.3 dogs on one hare on lamp in small field must have some good dogs there fool
  17. Bad enough lamping hares because there shit and yes l have lamped them but to slip a dog then when it runs past slip another two f**k sake give your head a shake
  18. Most hare dogs good ones any way will sit behind a hare and not over shoot as a hare will turn better then a rabbit.Seen few hares dogs out lamping and they make it look easy prop years running faster and harder prey
  19. Tomo still too early to start fighting lol There is early then there is too early but as long as it works for you it does not matter if you start early or late but 10 weeks????? Is a no no for me any how
  20. Would people agree or disagree that the ferreting dog as more to learn in a hunting scene then any other type off work for a lucher????
  21. Must say my older bitch wont bring a rabbit into me until she as give it a good crunch and it does my head in but her pup bring them straight back most times alive
  22. Could not tell you her height but she not to big or to small l say about 24" (guess) Her coat comes in handy over the winter months but do shave my dogs in the summer months.Her dam looks like a sheep and as the coat and weight off one now days lol
  23. She has more speed then a stayer but she smart bitch that will change her running style to the quarry she after.She was the smallest out off litter off 11 .She be my lamping and ferreting bitch for few years to come l hope now her dam is finished
  24. As it says go into the ferreting section and there topic call ferreting on Sunday by the ferreter go on have look and let the crabbing begin lol page 1 or 2
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