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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. Some people on here have them out at 10 weeks.Others wait till year old.I myself wait till about 6 months where they can get over fences ,rivers gates etc etc by themselves
  2. Running double up on lamp one dogs going get hurt.But as you said independent referee that picks the slip for both dogs and the most lifted over 2 or 3 hour period
  3. are you really that stupid ? NOT THAT f*****g STUPID TO TRY RUN SOME ONE OVER 1ST TO 5 RABBITS FOR £500 well then why comment instead of just keeping ya trap shut ? Ok then bright spark do you think its a good bet?????
  5. are you really that stupid ? NOT THAT f*****g STUPID TO TRY RUN SOME ONE OVER 1ST TO 5 RABBITS FOR £500
  6. Some bull shit there 1st to 5 rabbits wise up dog must not be that good if you only want it to 5 rabbits .Must blow up on the 6th
  7. JD as not even read it yet he just signed it when it was finished
  8. Some great pictures there and some great reads
  9. Was good day could but could have been better but 17 is 17 at the end off the day.Good to see no mixy rabbits with it just being around the corner on other land but hope to wipe that land out so it does not make around to the other land we have.Cover starting to die a bit now another few weeks and there some great setts to be done.Glad to see no one got hurt this week apart from my neck when adam beat the car up :toast: .
  10. No mate do both anyone rings me to go out am away
  11. PM a bloke called MOO from this site mate, he has just bred a litter but they are not cheap, he is asking £900 each but well worth the money I reckon Must be wind up no pup is worth £900
  12. shes still young tommy but theres plenty the same way bred that can handle two runs i know but my luck i would be matched with a more experanced dog and be out in the first round lol.. f**k then the slagging would start lol.. but it would be good crack to enter her for the sport and crack! ya never no what way the day goes lazy!!! 6 runs to the final ffs iv give dogs away would have made it to be honest i might put her in just for the crack! like they say if your not in you cant win,lol.. shes only 13months old and doing well so why not give her a go!!! ffs you couldint give your dogs away
  13. Look l put my pup in and its green has they come frank put his in l said few other if l ask should be good crack few pints after
  14. Tommy why not l go in for laugh then you get to see what a good hare dog is all about and if you pup is up to it
  15. His vids are the best on you tube by far what all your problems are none off you have good dog to video.Great video the speed off the dog is unreal
  16. theres very few half deerhounds that wont kill a fox theres a half bred dog in ballymena kills them for fun Its not a fella who sells dogs trailers owns this dog in ballymena what age dog if you know????
  17. Why pay all that money????That money could get you everything you need if you wanted to start ferreting.Do what everyone else does learn by your mistakes
  18. I be more then happy to bring any person out no prop and the only money he or she have pay is petrol £5..£700 for a day out and what do you get for £700????????
  19. From what l have heard them two bitches are head cases the black mouth one more then the other.Think short thinking about putting a full saulki to the black mouth one should get some good pups there
  20. How can a 10 month old pup be tried and tested??????
  21. Is she the best match dog out there at the moment????
  22. Jamie you any clips off mona running?????
  23. What page where you on when you notice that????See the fella got that pup back
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