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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. So does j darcy blind the young people with his books?????
  2. You don't worry about me and what l talk about you worry about them walk outs you have out your back and you breed form fool.Quick get a spade she been down there over 5 mins hahahahah.Any chance back filling in a sett the holes you leave is just a joke
  3. So there is no luck in picking a 6 week old pup out off a litter off say 11?????Out them 11 pups whin can you pick the best????You can have the best line in the world and bring the pup on best grub and the best training but at the end day some just don't have it no matter what you do with them. Theres always going one better then another in any litter and you just hope that you picked the right one at 6 weeks so luck yes you need a bit l think.
  4. Only in myself and the same soaked had call it a night after 3 runs fs.2 rabbits and hare caught the rain was bad was looking forward to good long night sure there always next time
  5. There is a big difference between 9 months and 9 weeks fs 9 weeks out lamping wise the f**k up 9 weeks l say it again so it goes into that head off yours 9 weeks .Left its mother tit 3 weeks before fs did i say there was NO BUT YOUR TALKING ABOUT 9 MONTHS OLD PUP THIS GUY IS TALKING ABOUT BRING A 9 WEEK OLD PUP ON 2,3 MILES WALKS AND OUT LAMPING thats up to the lad not you just let the lad do his thing is he telling you how to bring you dogs Am not saying that and as l said best luck to him but 9 weeks old come off it fs could not care what x it is 9 weeks is 9 f*****g weeks
  6. yeah it was called fly dont belive all these jacking things as biglicks dad has just give 1000 pound for a pup and jj from camebridge has just give even more for 1 if she didnt jack why was she sold back in ireland for only 300 euro after 1 season and the men who no wont say a word to deny it that say,s it all. Because l told you before may be she was no good for england but a good bitch in lreland not get that into your head fs ffs the dog JACKED if it jacked in england surley it would do the same in ireland or maybe yous just like breeding from jackers DID YOU SEE IT JACK OR ONCE AGAIN
  7. There is a big difference between 9 months and 9 weeks fs 9 weeks out lamping wise the f**k up 9 weeks l say it again so it goes into that head off yours 9 weeks .Left its mother tit 3 weeks before fs did i say there was NO BUT YOUR TALKING ABOUT 9 MONTHS OLD PUP THIS GUY IS TALKING ABOUT BRING A 9 WEEK OLD PUP ON 2,3 MILES WALKS AND OUT LAMPING
  8. They do get the graft but not if the fox or deer goes throw a hedge because they stop dead and they always run doubled up????
  9. What is it the then ????do you not just have gun and ferret???? wanna do summat about it do summat about what your gun and ferret what you talking about????? you work a 9 yr old sheep ,no gun , no ferret , no terrier , no car so f**k OFF MIDGET dont need a gun,terrier,ferret when you have good dogs and dont work the sheep and midget lol need to stay off the drink you have no LONG EAR dogs FACT that is why you have been ferreting the whole season :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: Just shows you much you know muppet you dont even have a f*****g dog FACT all you have is a b
  10. There is a big difference between 9 months and 9 weeks fs 9 weeks out lamping wise the f**k up 9 weeks l say it again so it goes into that head off yours 9 weeks .Left its mother tit 3 weeks before fs
  11. yeah it was called fly dont belive all these jacking things as biglicks dad has just give 1000 pound for a pup and jj from camebridge has just give even more for 1 if she didnt jack why was she sold back in ireland for only 300 euro after 1 season and the men who no wont say a word to deny it that say,s it all. Because l told you before may be she was no good for england but a good bitch in lreland not get that into your head fs
  12. Good topic good to see peoples points off views off the right and wrong about lamping hares
  13. Most have lamped hares but a lamped hare is nothing too a day time hare.In my eyes there fair game if your a lamping man all depends on the fields your running them in.Small fields on the lamp the hare has no chance but big open fields most hares would just out run the dog or get that far they be out off the light.
  14. ??????????????????????????????
  15. Bigliks has two pups out off him think there over here in lreland but are going back to england????
  16. He is 10 year old and its £300 a pop cheap some dog can stay on and on and good mouth on him good to watch
  17. What is it the then ????do you not just have gun and ferret???? wanna do summat about it do summat about what your gun and ferret what you talking about????? you work a 9 yr old sheep ,no gun , no ferret , no terrier , no car so f**k OFF MIDGET dont need a gun,terrier,ferret when you have good dogs and dont work the sheep and midget lol need to stay off the drink
  18. What is it the then ????do you not just have gun and ferret???? wanna do summat about it do summat about what your gun and ferret what you talking about?????
  19. yes ! but there was a hole in the dog so it was sold on . If the dog jacked and had holes in it it should not have been sold on should have got prop hole put in it simple
  21. funny as f**k you can hear him before you see him and the dog pmsl
  22. What is it the then ????do you not just have gun and ferret????
  24. benton benton benton ho jesus christ benton
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