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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. Think them mutjack,mink and any other animals that are not suppose to be in the uk or lreland should have an all year hunt on them but dont know the rules myself as they change from one day to another
  2. Do people not think the older dog should put the pup in its place????Have brown bitch here now and she used to bit hard was sake off death trying get her to stop.So l just let her do it until black bitch had enough and put her in her place.Now when there running play she knows how hard she can go
  3. Tommy and him have had trouble with each other in the past incy my 2 are out of the whippet collie grey,they are related to the black pup hitcher has.the other pups look brillant for whippet /saluki.atb. Do you know if any turned out feathered .tell you truth am waiting to see how much wind they have next year be good to see Icey I'll message him to find out Big e stick that picture up again get the ball rolling l pm you there about show
  4. incy my 2 are out of the whippet collie grey,they are related to the black pup hitcher has.the other pups look brillant for whippet /saluki.atb. Do you know if any turned out feathered .tell you truth am waiting to see how much wind they have next year be good to see
  5. Be nice to see few pups out that litter to see the differnet shapes and sizes big es looked nice pup
  6. Yes mate there is few going out this week so hope they all have good day and enjoy it for what it is
  7. Right lads is coming close to the date that people are suppose to run am out this week and would like everyone to get in contact with the people there going out and get there runs sorted.If you cant run then your just going have to let the other person thought its draging on to much.l know some dogs have been hurt but people have more than the one dog they can use so lets get it going and best of luck cheers the icey
  8. The number adam give you your man very good we all use him best luck
  9. Mate lefted young hare out sit last week size off his hand seen few young ones
  10. no mate tht not the dog am running but the black and tan one is in the show.Need people to get there runs over with am out this week bitch was hurt there but ok now no where near fit but has to be done.Went are you running?????Try get it done this week
  11. I believe you and hope you season goes well for you
  12. no prop mate claim down l believe you 1000s wont but l do
  13. All dogs are different some start early and some start late but then again some people start to late and some start to ealry
  14. What dogs are not in it that people think sould be in???????o and people????? it cant wait have read of it
  15. I can just imagine a lad driving round dragging a fallow behin the jeep, with nine dogs hanging off it . . . . Its the out back why not the let nine dogs out jeep after one or you net read that bit????? for one mate you're a f*****g stereotyping wanker! and we don't run our dogs out of "jeeps" we usually run them off the back of utes or walk. and i said a mob, not one. you seem like one of those guys that bags people out to get for attention, then they go home and go on chatroullette masturbating on the camera... Why did you take your 1st post down???? f**k face where you said that
  16. I can just imagine a lad driving round dragging a fallow behin the jeep, with nine dogs hanging off it . . . . Its the out back why not the let nine dogs out jeep after one or you net read that bit????? for one mate you're a f*****g stereotyping wanker! and we don't run our dogs out of "jeeps" we usually run them off the back of utes or walk. and i said a mob, not one. you seem like one of those guys that bags people out to get for attention, then they go home and go on chatroullette masturbating on the camera... Why did you take your 1st post down???? f**k face where you said that
  17. I can just imagine a lad driving round dragging a fallow behin the jeep, with nine dogs hanging off it . . . . Its the out back why not the let nine dogs out jeep after one or you net read that bit?????
  18. How are dogs to know if there aloud or not its up to you to let them know there aloud.Shot one and feed them on it or drag it behind the jeep for bit let dogs have bit then try again.But l would have thought with that many dogs that one would have a go at one????
  19. Must like playing hid and seek.As it always done that????
  20. How do l take that picture off here for my profile
  21. What days and where can you meet up sounds cheap is the meat any good????
  22. Means you have the prefect dog for the 12th next year lol
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