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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. 32 names all ready heard you need a good goal keeper to enter lol be good comp if it gets going on some good land hope it works out for him. Speedie vs Captain 1st round lol
  2. By looking at the pictures off him looks like he has a hard life every dog has a limit . Looks like he never got time to heal and just.. pushed more and more
  3. Speedie you and louth trying get some new land for the comp lol
  4. Speedie you have run doubled up?????? So tell me whats the differnce in a lervet only out off the cut crops or a summer hare????? Its only a time off year to many people talk shit.
  5. Speedie your always having digs at other ppl or there dogs. You never talk about the topic in hand. People dont have the pups fr last year because they didnt make it.
  6. Who talking about seasoned dogs the topic is about pups all am saying is l rather give a pup one by its self on a summers evening then doubled up at start off the season or slipped in on a already ran hare
  7. Fair play expain?????? What is fair play????? All am saying is there is to many that talk about fair play but they have did one off the things l have said. Slip in. double up.lamp. The list goes on and on l just dont keep myself going like most l tell the way it is
  8. or you long coursin mate coming out with these statements cause all you have posted here goes against the grain of fair play
  9. but you have slipped in or run doubled if you have theres no differnce. Imo each tell there own but the word respect and sport make me laugh at times.
  10. So tell me this its not ok to give a pup a run in the summer months buts its ok to run doubled up at the start off the season????? Its ok to block gates and gaps. Its ok to slip a pup in on one that has been run???? Well this is the way l see it to many ppl sit on this making them selfs to be mr perfect. We have all blocked a gate. We have all run doubled up. We have all slipped in and we have all took a pup out for a evening run in the summer at one stage or another. I be giving pup few runs on few hot spots and come start season she be going single simple she not good enough come.end year l
  11. Yea mucky looks great place but not better then my mountain
  12. Must be some amount off dog shit on that beach
  13. Dog looks a lot like banters old bitch that is in pup. Nice looking bitch
  14. No prop think going need it for this pup. Any off carry a&e kit in van or car during the season what in it??????
  15. Gets lamped more then any spot in lreland you get 2 up there you be a happy man.
  16. Your right then you getting them boys going on my land lol see you next sunday
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