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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. Captains white bitch and gorger panther. Captains pup against speedie young dog. Nans pat against anyone.
  2. All fields long in the summer would never have guessed that.
  3. Nans pat thats a mountain range heath long as f**k get hare in right place it does not stand a chance. But run th down in the blad sheep fields diff story
  4. Nans pat you get one like the stuffed one you be happy man
  5. Speedie how long was that ago????? Do you not think the hares are alot better then what they where years ago. Surely saulki blood is must.
  6. Is that same people who owned the molly bitch?? Lovely looking bitch she could have flew over herself
  7. Brendys black dog was mistake a mistake he's very happy with. Some work out some don't. Goes the same with planned litters
  8. Some mistakes turn out good look at me lol
  9. Danny do you do the rats in the summer to keep dogs going
  10. There should be few clips going up.this year hope get few myself capatain be putting few up. Banter you not going do a puppy comp lol
  11. Far play to them but how many hares would have got away if the gate was not blocked. As l have said they prop do it for the camera because it hard to get runs on tape over here.
  12. Tommy just asking no my hands full with two l have if the tan pup makes it though season l be happy lol
  13. knew that was you lol c**t was there a husky race up there tonight lol
  14. Louth many hares would your dogs miss if your mates where not so go at nets
  15. Is there any runs.off them pups on you tube
  16. Whats the breeding in them????? Nice pups and bitch
  17. One that cant do the job l need it to do. Does not matter the x
  18. Whats the longest run yous have seen???? Where was it ??????
  19. If it was not for the buyers there would not be puppy farms. Like everything in life if theres a buyer theres going be a seller.
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