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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. really don't care but just shows even back then the deerhounds cross needed something added to its blood.You catch on soon enough.There's wiser eating grass.
  2. Banner you bitch is half Saulki and the pups how much do you think will be in them.Its not just the wind the saulki brings but the recovery rate and the runs it can take.If you think that hare has not got better as the years have went on you need your head looked at.Any way everyone as there own option. LT any more runs off the pups???id say somebody needs there head looked at, if you didnt run hares 30 years ago where this knowledge come fromok banter it is easy and l will explain to you because you seem the thick sort. If hares have not got better then why are people not running collie and d
  3. Banner you bitch is half Saulki and the pups how much do you think will be in them.Its not just the wind the saulki brings but the recovery rate and the runs it can take.If you think that hare has not got better as the years have went on you need your head looked at.Any way everyone as there own option. LT any more runs off the pups??? id say somebody needs there head looked at, if you didnt run hares 30 years ago where this knowledge come fromok banter it is easy and l will explain to you because you seem the thick sort. If hares have not got better then why are people not running collie and
  4. Banner you bitch is half Saulki and the pups how much do you think will be in them.Its not just the wind the saulki brings but the recovery rate and the runs it can take.If you think that hare has not got better as the years have went on you need your head looked at.Any way everyone as there own option. LT any more runs off the pups???
  5. Ok baw why then is the same men running the same land over the years not stick with there collie cross they had years ago?????Because a collie cross is not up to the job now days.Maybe because there s not as many hares as there was or maybe once again the hares have just got better and better.Rabbits are harder lol you mean they know the lamp???? Or the land suit the dog not the rabbit.To compare both is a joke this why you don't have a clue.
  6. Your wrong hare here is different from England. Look at the numbers it sorts its self out. Plain to see
  7. Two nice pups them and good pick up for the pup.
  8. Years a go a collie greyhound could kill hares in good numbers but as time as went on hares have got better and better .That's why the collie,deerhound crosses went to one side and the Saulki blood came in.No hound bred lucher is running a hare for 4 mins around Carlow or Dublin never mind taking a few runs.Show me one houndbred lucher that give a hare fair law and kill good numbers now days.
  9. England will test a dog different to what Ireland will.You will get soft and hard hares on most land.The more a piece off land it hunted the better the hares get.England in my eyes looks better because you can see all the race and you can see what your dog as and as not got.Am not saying you can't get 4 or 5 min races here in Ireland because lots and off people have.Its always the same question where's the harder hare????Ireland or England IMO never run England but think numbers say it all.All you hear it 4/4 3/2 3/3 5/5 week in week out in England. You never hear that here in Ireland
  10. fcuk sake incy dont you go geting all sentemental its only news of a dog retiring.lolHoundog if we all had something in are yards that caught half as much as that dog we would be all happy men and women.Past few years people keep going on about seeing clips off lucas and his off spring and when clips go up there still crabbing.That dog could catch 5/5 in Jan in front off some people and and it still would not be good enough. There's lots people out there happy with there pups or young dogs out him so just leave it like that.If gorger think that's him finished who are we too judge.Say it again
  11. fcuk sake incy dont you go geting all sentemental its only news of a dog retiring.lolHoundog if we all had something in are yards that caught half as much as that dog we would be all happy men and women.Past few years people keep going on about seeing clips off lucas and his off spring and when clips go up there still crabbing.That dog could catch 5/5 in Jan in front off some people and and it still would not be good enough. There's lots people out there happy with there pups or young dogs out him so just leave it like that.If gorger think that's him finished who are we too judge.Say it again
  12. fcuk sake incy dont you go geting all sentemental its only news of a dog retiring.lolHoundog if we all had something in are yards that caught half as much as that dog we would be all happy men and women.Past few years people keep going on about seeing clips off lucas and his off spring and when clips go up there still crabbing.That dog could catch 5/5 in Jan in front off some people and and it still would not be good enough. There's lots people out there happy with there pups or young dogs out him so just leave it like that.If gorger think that's him finished who are we too judge.Say it again
  13. Some times l worry about people on here.People ask what's lucas throwing as a pup and when he does people ask way is the title not about the pup????? Then people try to match next year his pup 5 months old. One thing l have learned this year in the hare game.You can have a dog that never misses and there well always be a crabber,Or someone that as better.Enjoy what you have ppl
  14. Nice looking bitch .l know she Irish lady do you have her full breeding
  15. Many the pup get looks a nice one.Was going go myself but just left it till today.
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