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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. what yea feeding him good size for 4 1/2 months
  2. my friends have 2 hand cock pups both 10 months old there 2nd time out lamping caught 18 rabbits there great wee dogs but for fox u need something alot thicker and more powerful bull x wheaten x myself l always go wheaten cross think this is a great all rounder just breed my own an cant wait till next year
  3. any dog running a rabbit or hare has a chance off dying seen many a dog breaking its neck driving in at a hare and fox so l think your wrong
  4. thats the most sense l have heard yet penny
  5. no good for who? its no good running hares daytime if your dog cant catch them lol. said before 3/3 daytime or 3/3 lamped still the same outcome. l bet your dog cant kill 3 out 3 during the day yea prop at night thats the point if your dog can kill 3 out 3 during the day u should run it for money mr super dog
  6. most hares u kill in october are young hares that have never seen a dog before come jan dec the hares that have not been killed know what dogs are and how 2 get away are stong and faster its fitter
  7. what a wanker ppl like u give hunting a bad name
  8. there is only 3 xs can do a job off a fox bull wheaten or deerhound need something powerfull seen a few and have not seen a bad 1 yet if u get a good 1 yea know what l mean
  9. 5 half weeks the is so on my profile at 3 weeks take some 2 morrow and put them on mate
  10. lets all stop talking shit any good lucher man knows a hare is better during the day they know that ahare during dec or jan will out run any or most luchers and only the long dog at that time off year will put up a good show on a hare and this is y so called lucher men go lamping hares so they can go 2 a bar and talk shit about there dog caught 3 4 hares and if and body as a lucher on dvd that can do it in jan dec pls put it on u tube because l want 2 look at this hare killer
  11. lucher pups for sale there a mix litter some bullx some deerhoundx and wheaten x with a bit off saulk l will xplian the dam is wheaten saulk greyhound sire. deerhound wheaten bull greyhound his father was a 1st x deerhound put over wheaten a pup out off this litter was breed 2 a 1st cross bullx and a pup out off this is now the sire off my pups are £70 this will make get all rounders
  12. get the dog 2 eat the yorkies then no barking dog is feed dont have spent money on a pen and he will know how til deal with a charlie
  13. HUNTING HARES IN IRELAND IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY THAN IN ENGLAND. HARES ARE LEFT FOR THE DAYTIME FOR THE COURSING LADS OR THE MANY FINE PACKS OF HOUNDS THIS ISLAND HAS. ANYONE SHOOTING A HARE IN IRELAND SHOULD HAVE THE GUN TAKEN OF THEM AND BEAT ROUND THE HEAD WITH IT. good anawer for a srart we have not got as many hares as england very few shoot them our problem is foreigners lamping them because their dogs cant catch arabbit on the lamp, a hare will not leave the field if the dog is close. l agree but in lreland we respect the hare in england they dont l never heard off any 1
  14. there is 4 black 1s look like bullx 2 look deerhoundx 3wheaten x and the rested look sulk should turn out good because parents are good pics in my blog dont know how 2 get them on this
  15. Very good,wise reply. not that very wise love till go 2 all this spots with 100s off hares running about thats just bull shit in the uk the hare is big decline big time and its because off ppl lamping and shooting them u must be the same ppl that slip 3 4 dogs on a hare and a fox fox and rabbit run the same on the lamp just slow down at ditchs and thats there down fall but u most be kidding me if yea think that a hare on the lamp is the same as a hare during the day if yea think that your nuts ask any hare men that run there dogs single is there a diff but as l say every 1 till there own a
  16. well done fence hopper another decent post ruined!!!!!!! bull x are for 1 think and 1 think only and we all know what that is 3/8 bull how can yea call it a hunting dog its a fighting dog with legs its a joke l put my dog up against any bull x on the lamp or long ear you really no nothing saying stupid comments like that you fecking clown they are not for 1 THINK and 1 THINK only far from it they are more than able to catch anything. my bitch is 3/4 bull not 3/8 bull and i can safely call her a hunting dog anyday of the week as she is out working plenty through this season, day and
  17. what dry meal is that and whats the portein???????????
  18. iceman001979


  19. is there no pictures off this dog and if there is can [bANNED TEXT] put them up cheers
  20. just wondering what ppl think what my pups are there bit off a heniz dam_ greyhound,wheaten,saulk the sire needs a bit more explaining his father was a 1st cross deerthound wheaten and his mother was a 1st cross bull greyhound then the sire was born and put over my bitche.??????????? so are the pups greyhound bull wheaten deerhound saulk just wondering
  21. HI MATE THE PUPS HALFX WITH A PINCH OF WHIPPET sorry was l wrong dont think so i There's the same amount of Whippet in there as Collie. jt750 is spot on, half grey quarter whippet quarter collie.
  22. am against it a hare is an athelte only ppl l know course hares at night is because there dogs are no good during the day every 1 knows that a hare on the lamp is nothing like a hare during the day and l read on this site alot off ppl shouting hares thats even worse what is the point l just dont know??????????
  23. there a 3 quater 1/2 greyhound 1/4 collie 1/4 whippet thats what l think any way but it depends i the pup takes after the dam or the sire mm
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