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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. bis at 13 months engish bull x greyhound 2nd generation
  2. thats no lucher wise up fella its a boxer with a tail
  3. my bitch as a weck off her tail and she runs will and could turn on a 50p if yea think about have ever seen a jack with turning proplems
  4. have a pup the same same age and will not wlk it that far but there is 2 off them and all they do is run about the back so its really up till you and the breed off the pup best off luck
  5. not my dog mate but i think thats far 2 young for a nights lamping even a few slips the pups bones are not ready for and thing like that and yea well prop end up doing a lot off damage in the long run but well do any way
  6. prop just running in the sand all the time
  7. lmao This weather keeps up yea make a few pound on the pups
  8. sandy grey x wheaten x saulk now five years old have 2 pups out off her just turned 4 months can wait till next year. Are bis at 13 months old a friend as him now and is flying engish bull x grayhound
  9. l just breed her this is here 3rd litter so think she has had enough keep 2 back for myselk a dog and a bitch for breeding in a few years time
  10. think l breed that ha ha sounds like my letter :clapper:
  11. get my 50 out or boots back down into my back mr funny f**ker and the hoops jesus you have had a hard life :feck: :feck: :feck:
  12. 1/2 saukl 1/2 greyhound it all depends what your looking the pups till do hares fox deer
  13. Out lamping with a wee bitch breed like this and she was great fast could jump and didnt care about hedges or anything in her way.Hear about a week ago she was sold was raging because l was looking her she was sold she dropped a fox but a great dog on the lamp vbut trying find out who has here now
  14. like a pill for dogs much is that
  15. now yea have me thinking dont know what till do l will wait see if any 1 else writes in about another dog do you any pictures off your dog
  16. put in in the corner off the kennels see if this helps
  17. yea know what l mean can no 1 just answer swear alot off child at times yea shower off b*****s :feck:
  18. Getting my bitch sprayed at the end off this hunting season was just wondering if any one has there bitch sprayed or now anyone thats does.Just would like abit off infor in what way there weight goes and does it slow them down and is there drive the same????
  19. A lot off people on this site hunt deer with dog and other ways prop the deer where left because they seen some 1 coming and had till do a runner prop not aloud on the land ??????? and how come its all ways chavs doing this ???. Must admitt your all good at pointing the finger at others. Should start off with yourselfs first and the things we all do wrong there are rules in hunting and seasons till do your hunting but as we all know rules are there too be broken not everyone goes by the book.
  20. she is only 1/4 saulk 1/4 wheaten 1/2 grey her dam was straight saulk x and her sire was straight wheaten x breed like this because the fields we where hunting where not that big and yea need a dog with balls at fences and ditchs but could stay on a bit. she not a 7 min dog but seen here run 1 for about 5 she is turning 5 so l have started lamping her and she took till it no bother
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