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Everything posted by iceman001979

  1. It all depends on lot off things like wind,moon,fields, and how good your dog is on the lamp. Best l ever got was 9 out off 11 slips but that was on a good night .I be happy if dog can catch 6,7 out off 10 slips would not want till take any more home just enough for the freezer and the dog gets a good work out.
  2. foxhound saulk greyhound by the looks off him looks in good shape
  3. when yea kill that june did yea kill rest off the litter what a joke
  4. Thats a big hare but hold it by the back legs and get a good picture
  5. Just asking do people have rules about permission.What l mean by that do yea think it is right that if l bring some one till my permission do yea think it is right for that fella to bring other people to my spots .Was out lamping the other night and the rabbits where off and running once the lamp was turned on and its not usual like that because we try not till lamp it all the time but was out the other night got talking to the farmer and he said other people where on the spot he thought it was me till seen the fellas walking down the road.Got a phone call to night saying that the people that
  6. what pet shop yea get that :clapper:
  7. E mate your pup is 1/2 saluki 1/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound the ma off them pups can run for ever didnt c the da go but nice looking big dog but yea might get a good pup l put my pup up aganist it next year
  8. heard so balls in my time but some ppl should just not write anything or think a wee bit before they write down some shit it scare the rabbits because it was white not because it running about like a head case and the owner propley shouting at it till get it back on the lead.And is it not that all animals see in black and white any way have a white bitch and dont have 1 proplem
  9. the dog in this picture what way is it breed its a double for the bitch l have now ??
  10. Mate there will be plent off ppl on here take her off yea if she is free just till try make a few pound and will be sold on once your gone. Put a price on her not much a few pound and put it in the buy and sell section hope she gets good home best off luck
  11. love this breed has a bit off everything in it and any time l would go for a dog it would have till have this breeding this my bitch (sandy) just breed her and keep two pups back for myself for the next lot off years hope the pup turns out well looks like there is going be a good bit off saulk in him :thumbs:
  12. l only use the blue filter for in the snow works really well but if there is no snow l only use the red filters think its better
  13. Out with a pup last night 13 months and the wee dog caught 4 rabbits but could have got more just that it was driving 2 hard at them but it just takes time and a dog will slow up before the strike my bitch now only puts the boot down when she needs and just jockeys them out from the fence but she is 4 as l said your dog still only a big pup next year yea see a diff dog all the best
  14. Try find some 1 who is breeding greyhound x collie over another greyhound x collie out off working dogs not just sheep dog over a greyhound
  15. lol stop f**king about the dog put the brakers on dan prop hunted 2 young but with hancock its hit or miss
  16. Just asking mate what age is your bitch and as it did much???? Are yea keeping any pups or saleing them on????? It all depends what yea want the pups till do when they grow up before yea pick your stud fox, deer, hare,rabbit etc etc
  17. Look its a win win for us men. 1) We know where she is and not doing your mate while your out . 2)We all know men are good at things but most off the times it takes a womens touch. 3)Only thing bad about this is the dinner not on the table when yea get in but if yea stop off on the way home she cant do your head in about never taking her out for something till eat :clapper: 4)If yea bring them hunting then they wont want till go to the bar with yea. 5)The best one is if the nights lamping is shit or ferreting not going good yea can always jump into the car or hedge till pass the time kn
  18. The same thing happened till my bitch and the 2 pups l kepted back it was like it just happened over night.I give the dogs a bath about 4 times a week and got front line for them now there all fit and well but as ppl say lost off hair can be almost any thing so if it does not clear up after a few baths and frontline get her off till the vet.Is the hair lost on her back legs???????. Make sure yea give the kennnels a good clean out.
  19. He is proven in the field that is why this person has asked for his services, i havent used him as a stud before as it hasnt really crossed my mind, as i see it the pups would go for couple of hundred down here so i believe i should get something, wont ask for a stupid amount as im not a greedy git. At the start off this topic you said he is not a proven stud now your saying he is good in the field yea need make it clear that the dog is good at his job and what he is doing deer fox hare rabbit etc so ppl can help and yea and not get on your back
  20. Dont know about over there but in belfast the game fair is a fix some off the dogs that win are a joke never seen a hunting field and its always the fella running it his mate wins
  21. some good dogs there yea seem till get bags all the time yea must have some rabbits around there well done far play till the old dog if they want till run let them run .Just asking have yea every took pups out off the older dog or if its a dog breed him with a goog bitch
  22. It all depends on the lenght off the grass your running your dog on.What l mean by that is if your lamping sheep fields the grass is very short so the shape or out line off the rabbit sits out more so there easy for the dog till see so yea can slip for about 8 9 metres away but if your lamping cow fields the out line off the rabbits does not sit out as good so yea have till walk the dog up closer.Thats why when am starting off a pup or a older dog that as not been on the lamp l stick till sheep fields till the dog picks it up.
  23. 1st what sort off ground are yea running on sand or stone because your going need a dog with tough feet if yea are.Your bull terriers are no good as a cross for hare but your collie should be a good cross over most running dogs just takes time till get a good lucher all the best
  24. yea need till do what we all had too do get out off your car and knock on farmers doors and ask them they own the land so its them yea have till ask cheers
  25. Sorry mate but who is going pay a stud fee for a dog that as did nothing yet he may be out off good stuff but does not mean he is a good dog.A dog has till prove its self over 4 5 years before anyone should charge a price. I breed a litter myself this year and paid £100 for the stud and that was off a good friend but the sire off my pups is a proven dog in the field.Think who every is going pay you for a stud need till have a look at them selfs but if there willing till pay then thats up till them.
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