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john h

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About john h

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Leaving this site, never mention Mr Plummer. Never give out you're own e-mail address. Ha Ha
  2. Low plains drifter, last time me and Eddie M, went out with Brian we went out with his team of K C Spaniels, They were ok, obviously compared to my Lakelands,they, well, but seeing KC Spaniels work was quite a surprise.
  3. Stig, never witnessed that! Got quite a few pics of his kennels but they wern't that bad. I know he was a manic depressive so at times, well, He was very kind to me,
  4. What an absolute cock, where on this site has Plummer being mentioned Country Joe better book youyrself into an old fuckers home cos obviously you're a twat, keep breeding your furry Poodles, WANKER!
  5. Goldfinch, he also catches Owls, been Ferreting aand he's nailed Long eared this year. By the way don;t stick up for Brian cos you'll grt a tiny bit of stick, And no, I'm not a crank!
  6. I'm getting myselt too wound up, Sorry to every one i have offended and yes Northernlite Sorry, I did swear at first, but lets face it, its all about Brian, (and David Hancock) its good having a site like this when we can talk to each other (no Paulus I have NOT been on this site under a different name). I have bit to easily (sorry sorry Higgins) but we all need to keep talking. (Its good to talk)!! However, if we can calm down and perhaps chat, we can share our hunting experiences, I keep 2 lines of dogs A Plummer Beardie Line (Bearded Collie x) A Punch Line (Bull x) Very happy to di
  7. northernlite, yes you're right sorry, shouldn't swear!
  8. jack 58, I need to get the few photos that i have digized (spelling) Used to visit Brian with EM and his brother TM and from Rowlands Gill . Tommy C.But this isn't the point the whole point is the unnecessary slagging off of Brian (and David Hancock).
  9. No, Bunnys well I'm not a happy bunny, John H has never registered on this site before (and I'm sure the moderators will confirm this). I'm 51, I keep Ferrets and 2 lines of Lurchers Punch Line (out of Molly, Bred by BB, jusk ask SB) Plummers line (just ask BP , sorry hes dead) I'm getting really pissed off with the insults i'm getting
  10. Inan, big chest oh yes, like a Deerhound. Like a Deerhound, He's been run on the Heather, being longlegged he did ok, Don't know if it's the Bull influence but he has a very good strike, however he's easily distracted, if there's Grouse there he's gone? And with all Bull x's if he smells a Fox he's off! He's very very clever!
  11. NO I only have one account this one, John H, Who is this Paulus? Just check my previous posts, have not registered onthis site in any other name, John H Ferrets Lurchers (Punch line ) Ask SB via Punch's daughter Molly bred by BB Lurchers (DB Plummer) Ask Brian whoops sorry Dead Who the f**k are you to slag me off Paulus?
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