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Everything posted by THE DEMON

  1. nice dogs mate all the beat for the season you have them looking well
  2. thanks mate yea every one thinks there more bull in him but theres not his dam was a 1st x whippet grey at 23tts and sire was 1/2 grey 1/4 collie 1/4 bull not even touching 24tts rico was a big pup with a couple others and there was some pups whippety but a great litter with 11 good healthy pups heres a pic of the sire
  3. i like a wee touch of collie in them like said above for brains atb
  4. hate people who treat any animal like that fair play mate for taking her nice bitch atb
  5. thanks lads bred him myself hes 1/2 greyhound 1/4 whippet 1/8 collie 1/8 bull great allround dog he knows his stuff he will be coming 7 in nov this is rico
  6. farmer rang the other day saying that there was a fox at his chickens and could i do something so i went up that night for an hour with the lamp to keep him happy atb
  7. love hearing them bolt in stone walls its like thunder lol
  8. yea ive got 5 kits and they wreck the place so funny tho could watch and play with them all day cant wait to winter
  9. yea keep asking if they say no do it anyway more fun lol
  10. looked a good few hours mate well done atb
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