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Everything posted by THE DEMON

  1. sorry to hear that mate gutted for you
  2. a little whippet bull grey bitch lean racy type about 22" 23"
  3. very sorry for your loss RIP jack
  4. cracking fish mate well done fish of a life time
  5. that does not always mean that
  6. good shooting mate well done what point of the catty do you aim from ?
  7. bpr is a top bloke think there is alot of jealous people on here just wish i could shoot like him or even close but no need to run the guy into the ground
  8. looks like the dogs enjoyed them selves any way atb
  9. any tips ive got a load of wire and looking to make a few cages for rats but not sure on the idea for there is a few different cages im looking for something easy pics welcome
  10. some good kills on here lads well done cant wait to get out now
  11. as said above make bed smaller hope it works for you that would do my head in
  12. no probs mate cheers ill have a look atb
  13. hi was looking into getting a catapult for shooting pigeons and the odd rabbit if im lucky lol but dont know what one to go for and with ferret kits on the way there will be alot of feeding so what catapult should i be using and best place to buy or is there any members what makes them ? thanks demon
  14. this is rico fast and can turn 27tts not sure on weight but hes heavy and will take all game no problem atb
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