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Everything posted by jc2009

  1. The guns worth every penny at least you dont get splinters when you fire it,
  2. at least mines £350 waterpistol
  3. Fair play good luck selling your fire wood!!!
  4. You must be wanting to sell your gun and then buy mine.
  5. hand held. 12v 10 amp not sure on life but it lasts me a nights lamping.
  6. 1 million candle light force lance and deben double battery pack 10a cost 165 take £90 including postage. or swap for pair of chipmunks or female barn owl pics on next few nights
  7. still for sale. dont like price make offer
  8. heres a pic of pups first live rat (even if it is caught in the trap)
  9. Theres a beck out the back of the gardens and with all the left over chicken food they love it.
  10. daystate harrier classic 22 for sale excellent condition, comes with 4x32 scope (excellent in low light) camo case £500 or straight swap for HW100.
  11. :piggy: :piggy: :piggy: :piggy: :piggy: did you have them fenns in your back pocket mate the fens were in my shed about 10 ft away. i will post pics of rats tommorow.
  12. Just been down the allotment and i have a sack of wheat raised up on a bench in the greenhouse. one of the panes of glass has a slight hole in, large enoughth for a rat. Any way as i went to get the wheat a rat ran out of the bag and through the hole. i guickly grabbed the lurcher and went back in and knocked the bag, a rat made a bid for freedom but the dog was to quick and grabbed it before running into the glass. :oops: So to make sure i still had glass i put the dog back in the car. I then set two fenn traps next to the hole and then hit the bag again. 3 ran to the hole and the first
  13. Quite the photographer arnt you moe
  14. jc2009

    A10's ?

    should have one when you buy her obviously i want the A10's for the chicks.
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