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bullgreyhound oz

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Everything posted by bullgreyhound oz

  1. is there a site that shows last years winners?? there was a camera man taking photos?
  2. hay i heard you got a good lurcher, are you going to stud him out?? if so whats the fee

  3. this is my pup here around 7 half - 8 months. just so you can see her, thanks for you comments guys
  4. alrite guys! i have a deerhound bull greyhound, and she is comeing 9mnths now. at the moment stands 25inch tts, do lurchers grow much after that age? she my 1st pup i had so aint got a clue about the growing. so any help would be great thank you
  5. after a nights lamping my lurcher the next day cannot walk hardly! his back left leg he hardly puts weight on it and has a slight limp. could any body tell me if there any good lurcher men or greyhoud men who mite give me an anwser? by just lookin over him
  6. hay hay t'hamma. get them pics up brother!

  7. haha ive had that pack before but ive burnt it out! cheers for the reply tho mate very greatful
  8. what age you then butt?that your bitch in profile pic?

  9. yea boi lets get them numbers!! toffee hamma and franky butt, gota be out to have them!!

  10. night mostly butt. what dogs you got?

  11. no wories butt good to meet you

  12. i have the light force blitz variable power lamp and need a new battery pack as my old one no good any more. im thinking of getting the new lithion iron 12volt 10 amp pack! i run lurchers so not rifle shooting. would it last better that a 12volt 20amp normal pack? any help would be greatfull! cheers
  13. get sum pics butt! you need to get out more the numbers cant be had by me and toffee hamma all the time! you part timer

  14. dis lad is crazsy he makes charles bronson look normal. f*****g loves it butt!

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