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Everything posted by rory

  1. couldn't resist going for a shine around tonight, conditions were perfect! The pup did me proud and picked up a sitter, so chuffed. It was only a few yards away but a bunny in the bag non the less. Training with the lamp and dead rabbit paid off!!
  2. nah,but her sire is glen 'strike while the iron is hot' which is one of his. Yer im itchin to get her out again but theres plenty of time yet.
  3. personal preference mate. Id start off with the net close, just letting the pup nail them in the net to get the ball rolling, this is all i have done with the long net so far. My pup was fine at noticing the net when rabbits hit it,but when walking near it she often stood on the slack and became tangled.good luck anyway!
  4. yes,will be fine,but expect to un tangle the dog from the net now and again! But they learn to get to grips with what happens.
  5. ye pure whippet,and shes nearly 11months,standing at 19tts
  6. im going to leave her for a few weeks now,happy to get 1 under the belt for now. Cheers lads.
  7. With a name like that I wouldn't worry!
  8. Not long back in from a quick shine around and about with the pup. She ran the rabbit away from the hedge(not through inteligence, more along the lines of luck!) and the rabbit turned her and headed back for the hedge it was originally sat near, but too late, Tink struck very last minute and made my night!
  9. nothing as yet due to there being no water!
  10. with the problem with retrieving mentioned to start the post, did kneeling work? if not try walking backwards looking at the pup as it retrieves calling it as you do, started my young whippet off retrieving.Rory
  11. id recommend csj, they have a variety of feeds to suit different dogs and all the info about the food can be food on the website which is handy... www.csjk9.com
  12. i am jealous big time! Got 1 on loan from a mate for abit though,but that makes me want one more! Im sure ive heard mice fart louder than the super s510!
  13. the only thing that bothers me about the s510 (carbine) is that with a mod its longer than the s410(classic),so why didnt AA just make the barrel on the 510 same length as the cylinder?
  14. ye, start slowly and easy.ie ferreting with nets wil get him used to grabbing a few. If you are lamping choose your night, no moon and windy for example, two or three runs will do on squatters. Don't rush him, and end on a high, that will maintain his confidence hopefully. Good luck.
  15. Heres a link to CSJ specialist canine feeds for anyone interested, has all the info you need,ie protein, oil,ash and fibre content. www.csjk9.com and my local stockist...(north wales, bodfari) www.daniwhineskennels.co.uk 01745 710539 Thanks for looking, if prices are required drop me a pm. Rory
  16. it will come naturally mate, if you are on about rabbits, make sure your dog can see them. Get a rabbit skin on a dummy tie a long piece of string to it and make him chase that about, that will start him off. I have a 7month whippet bitch and she will chase anything that I let her, its just natural.Don't rush it, he is still young and good luck!
  17. rory


    the rifle isnt mine,saw it in rhyl gun shop North Wales. Its the model with safety in the trigger,has scope bipod and AA silencer,i think its a steal so thought id share it with you guys.
  18. hello, i had a rook last year(rick) what i did was get a big syringe and fill that with a mix of crushed dog food and egg with a bit of water. its the cleanest and easiest way to go about it i found. He didn't hang round for long though, about a month after he could fly properly id say. the poop everywere was my bigest problem! anyway, good luck and put a picture up!
  19. i like the look of the dam,good luck with sorting homes for the pups out.
  20. heres my lil un, 6months today. seems to be ok at the moment obedience and retrieving, lookng forward to getting her working next season.
  21. heres my lil un, 6months today. seems to be ok at the moment obedience and retrieving, lookng forward to getting her working next season.
  22. heres my lil un, 6months today. seems to be ok at the moment obedience and retrieving, lookng forward to getting her working next season.
  23. heres my lil un, 6months today. seems to be ok at the moment obedience and retrieving, lookng forward to getting her working next season.
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