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About kersh

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  1. i have a19 month old border i have hunted with airguns all my life but always wanted a terrier so decided on an easy going one being new to terriers. he bushes rabbits and catches one or two ,bolts fox ,stalks sqirrel flushes pheasant and for the first time today bushed out rabbits for the lurchers.never been showed just trained with whistles and arm.never been down a hole just marked them .he might not do what a terrier is supposed to do compared to long time terriermen but with him and the airgun it justs seems to work welltogether .so i guess a good terrier is what it can ahieve not what
  2. Good stuff should be kept tight thats why it stays good stuff when its in the right hands. Exactly....so only if your in the know do you get a good pup. I have been lucky, being put on to a pup which i had to travel the length of the country for and has done alright now 2 1/2 years down the line, compared to the 2 pups i had previously from the Yellow Paper. I'm sure their are miles better dogs about than the dogs my bitch is out of but it's a foot on the ladder for me, the bitch has given me a standard to improve on with the pup I had sent over from Eire recently. The bitch I have
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