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old school

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Everything posted by old school

  1. How often do folk change their batteries in the 15ft collars? I’ve been changing mine every second outing but wondered am I throwing them out too soon
  2. 3 I kept back enjoying Xmas left overs
  3. When birds of prey came to my parts the rabbits disappeared. They were always hit with maxy every year but would make a come back now they just don’t get a chance
  4. Had an accidental mating to a whippet greyhound with him. She was an unreal little bitch only fault was that she lacked 5th gear
  5. One I had over 20 years ago… useful big dog around the house as a guard and worked with the terriers as well!
  6. I always fancied one mostly because I liked the look of the pig headed brutes. So a pup came up from a lad who works his and I thought I’d take the chance and see how it goes. So far he’s a year old and the stupidest fecker I’ve ever had in the yard. In the pic below he has a rat from a cage trap and when I finally got it out I realised all he wanted to do was toss the trap around lol…
  7. His dam is a 3/8 bedlington 5/8 greyhound bred to a half cross wheaten/greyhound. If he does well I’ll try bring in a half x bedlington/greyhound bitch to continue on
  8. Finally got the breeding done. He’s about 13 months now and been out with the terrier a time or two and done well.
  9. A little dog pup I’m thinking about keeping back…
  10. Pups on the ground…. Looking forward to these
  11. Would you have puppy jabs as well by any chance?
  12. I couldn’t find a good bedlington x greyhound stud so I went down the route of a wheaten x greyhound instead… the one I kept back turned out a nice pup so far that’s showing good nose so we’ll see how he goes next season
  13. lol well I suppose it’s been a while. I wonder did the original kennel breed many pups? were they like Hancock kennels
  14. It was a post on here dated back in 2009…
  15. I remember reading somewhere that heart break kennels had started to breed again.?
  16. No he’s just home bred… I’m guessing a little pit on his mother side judging by the looks of her
  17. I’m looking forward to this seeing this little chap working if he does work… he’s only about 6 months and fingers crossed he stays the size he is.
  18. A little bitch I have to date… she’s about 5 now
  19. Yea that’s the one… hopefully this one will turn out as good Dam to this pup is a 3/8 Beddy 5/8 greyhound and the sire is a half cross wheaten greyhound
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