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About unclesparks

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 01/09/1975

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  • Location
    Herne Bay, Kent
  • Interests
    Root tooting shooting

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  1. The best and worst gun I ever owned was a Theoben Fenman in .20cal. I loved it but hated the Theoben trigger is was awful having grown up using a lovely HW77 trigger. I sold it and got a S410 but really want a .20 HW90 but don't know who would or could supply a new one, anyone recommend someone, my local gun shop said 177 or 22 only
  2. Can I ask for an update, did you go with the Theoben or the HW90. I had a .20 Theoben and shot more bunnies with that than any other air gun but I hated the trigger. Just did not like it. Always planned to get a HW90 in .20 but my local gun shop said 1.77 or 22 only. So I opted for a S410 instead however I still want a .20 non fac HW90. Think it would be the best gun by a mile. I love my old HW77k, just wish they did a gas ram for one of these
  3. Where are you and would you seperate the sales if so how much are you after for the aya?
  4. Whats the mileage and when did it last have a service and cam belt change?
  5. As titled a nice cheap AYA or BAILKAL 12g shotgun, side by side double or single trigger, ejector or non ejector. Must be cheap and near to kent. Anything considered WHY?
  6. If you change your mind re posting then i would have it straight away. I will bagsy it if you do decide to post jason
  7. I like the jacket. How much to sell. Could be a three way swap. I buy the jacket and you buy the aldi thing. Depends on the price though as like you money is tight
  8. I would pay £100 plus postage for the gun on it own if it were a .20 or .22 cal
  9. confirm side by side ans is it single or double trigger and ejector or non ejector?
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