they waint pull you in rain coss the idle c**ts waint get wet they will just follow until you are out of there area happend many of time they all wnt to get a life and let us happy hunters get on with it and go confront the theiving smakheads that rob old people
well you beta not be lady lol whats jodie like at the lamping game now she get stuck in lol
Haha, yeah jodie knows the lamping game inside and out now, best dog i've had.
proper dogs thats why lol top class blood lines hahaha
the elder dog is the dominant dog just pup wont back down.the pup wants to play sometimes but due to the previous fights they just want to scrap
where you based might be able to help
looked a happy walk where did that bone come from one of your old kills lol was that a dog or deer what the dogs was running up to crnt make it out atb the pack look well
i would say ten month for there hight then till about 18 month for there filling out and everything to be fully developed thats my say thats realy how my dogs have realy gron up atb
not bin funny to them who keep salukies but i couldnt entertain 1 as i have seen a few just course there pray and have no itention of catching it and they tend to not listen the oes i have seen work each to there own
thats good stuf then working both together do you still have the bitch or did you get rid my blue dog is up on computer with the brindle bitch atb rebel
any chance of getting 1 uploaded? thanks
didt you see the mother when they was weeks old wasnt it you who was interested and never got back intouch if so then you will have seen the bitch on the photos.
no mate wasnt me
no worries pal shes a strog bitch anyway atb rebel
any chance of getting 1 uploaded? thanks
didt you see the mother when they was weeks old wasnt it you who was interested and never got back intouch if so then you will have seen the bitch on the photos.
hi was just wondering if any of you kind hunters no of any permission for running dogs and lamping at night just thought i would ask as it is like finding apot of gold trying to get permission for lamping with the dogs round my way thanks atb rebel
strap it up to the best you can so it looks inplace and just leave it it should go cales and harden up ok my bullx has done his plenty of rest only lead walking get some antinflameterys carnt spell lol and it should come right