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Everything posted by rebel2009

  1. whats with the pics c/g ya mams a fast thing with that camera crnt remember much at that stage lol
  2. arnt you lucky miss lurcher bitch lol

  3. ano but what am saying is that its the first show they ever had
  4. never heard of a show at barnsley think it may be a first time effort the amount of dogging lads round here if it cracks of should make a decent one atb
  5. cg whats up with bitch pups feet looks like she gone flat footed in one of the photos is it with her been layed up for some time atb
  6. should make strong dogs bad look with the others but shit happens atb with this litter hope they all go to working homes
  7. cheers mate'' we lost the dog on the left.. flip.. on a train line hunting a charlie..when he was 18mth.. real good dog he was makeing.. his sister on the right minnie.. is my bitch' shes a cracker' shes 4yrs now n am hopeing to get a litter out ov her this july/aug....ATB.B nice pack busher judd and paddy looking well crnt go wrong with that lot lol atb rebel
  8. i get what your saying and that's your view,but i would say that with all the care my dogs get, kennelling,best of grub and exercise then bone idle is definitely not on my list,i admit i wrote the word regularly,and for that i take criticism on the chin,certainly not one to back track,but even after a day defrosting in the shed,the carcasses can still have ice crystals on them,i have never looked at it as a problem,i have also given them straight from the freezer,its not about being lazy even though others have agreed they sometimes forget,i just think it makes more of a meal,if that makes sen
  9. yes i will be there any of you ever been whats it like it my first time going to this one
  10. i think them people who give them frozen food are just bone idle would you want a frozen sunday dinner no you wouldnt so y give the dogs it treat your dogs like you treat yourself. if you feeding them frozen you crnt be thinking of them much like some have said given them it because forgot to get it out day before
  11. what you on with who the hell is old benny Dont think too hard Rebel, hes the man that lives under the mushroom,hes nice to me so i talk to him you will talk to anyone
  12. Thanks Rebel, wish we could keep them all pups aint as nice as these running dogs were breeding next week flying machines they are just new born pups and your lining hasn't even happened as yet so nobody knows which will be better, thats a long way off, but I know who i would be buying from out of interest what are you lining and to what? atvb Richard put it this way mate ,the buddy dog hasnt got a look in to the sire im on about looks mean nothing pal good looks dont make a good dog them ugly birds you see when you go out could be the best fook but ya not guna no
  13. fookig hate them united all the way fooking wigan wat you playing at
  14. Thanks Rebel, wish we could keep them all pups aint as nice as these running dogs were breeding next week flying machines they are just new born pups and your lining hasn't even happened as yet so nobody knows which will be better, thats a long way off, but I know who i would be buying from out of interest what are you lining and to what? atvb Richard put it this way mate ,the buddy dog hasnt got a look in to the sire im on about looks mean nothing pal good looks dont make a good dog them ugly birds you see when you go out could be the best fook but ya not guna no
  15. Thanks Rebel, wish we could keep them all pups aint as nice as these running dogs were breeding next week flying machines they are just new born pups and your lining hasn't even happened as yet so nobody knows which will be better, thats a long way off, but I know who i would be buying from out of interest what are you lining and to what? atvb Richard put it this way mate ,the buddy dog hasnt got a look in to the sire im on about looks mean nothing pal good looks dont make a good dog them ugly birds you see when you go out could be the best fook but ya not guna no
  16. Thanks Rebel, wish we could keep them all pups aint as nice as these running dogs were breeding next week flying machines they are just new born pups and your lining hasn't even happened as yet so nobody knows which will be better, thats a long way off, but I know who i would be buying from out of interest what are you lining and to what? atvb Richard wish i had the money for one fell inlove with a dog pup yesterday wish i had him took to him straight away who ever has him hes a beauty and look after him lol
  17. went to see these pups yesterday they are lil crackers who ever ends up with one you will be chuffed to bits they are beauties well done you two atb rebel
  18. cheers, my bitch is the best i,ve ever had, top notch ferreting bitch and 110% single handed on lamp or working with the little dogs, sire is hell of a catch dog, wouldn,t have bred out of em otherwise! be nice to get em all to good grafting homes atb how much you asking mate if you dont mind me asking £150 bud where abouts are you mate???
  19. cheers, my bitch is the best i,ve ever had, top notch ferreting bitch and 110% single handed on lamp or working with the little dogs, sire is hell of a catch dog, wouldn,t have bred out of em otherwise! be nice to get em all to good grafting homes atb how much you asking mate if you dont mind me asking
  20. she needs more than biscuits pal if she 4month get some meat banged in the bowl atb
  21. should be top notch them pal if they are anything like zip then get ready as he was a big straping dog crnt belive you still got them ad a bitch out of zip and a faw bitch shes down wales now best bitch blokes had atb with them mate
  22. all be there lassy hope its sunny tho crnt do with wet gamefairs it makes it a wa.k day
  23. is that woolyhedge show pal i went to it last year wasnt it mid july or somet like that crnt remember but cud prob fid out as mate live 50 yard of show ground
  24. is that woolyhedge show pal
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