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Everything posted by rebel2009

  1. Nice bitch!!! cheers mate swop you for her in the aviator lol
  2. ok im fine bit head strong arnt they mine is mental always wants to be on the go not enough time in day for him bitch so laid back wish i had twenty like her lol will be bumping into you at some shows hopefully atb rebel
  3. not been has good as last season has havent done that much with my mate who drives has been banned has we got chased for 2hour before car ran out of petrol lol so odd bit of digging keep the dogs ticking over and just odd sunday morning walk on the hares keep them fit.
  4. these pups should make a fair size i would say 25tts at least one pup thicker built than the other
  5. when you got the dogs was they at a house or down an alotment.
  6. stuff been lamped that much round selby york way no point going unless in motor lamp on prey gone lamp shy to hell. its getting hammered and some farmers are thick just ditch off or gate up they must love us poaching people. and as for wlking give ya dog some wiz and you mingt get sommet.
  7. what you been killing the sheep with then and dumping skin and guts in indin takeaways bin a ferret lol
  8. got a lakeland i just use him to flush few rabbits out of cover for lurchers but its a nightmare coss he will go to ground but digs on to rabbit coss thats what he is used to doing big mistake showing him rabbits then entering him.
  9. you are joking me you went out in snow father. been out in snow this morning 3 big ears lol snow meks dogs look mint lol.
  10. hope mate gets his 2 terriers back gone to ground and no sign after 5 hour got dark so left coat and put stick up at the hole going back in morning to see if any joy.

  11. Exactley same happened to my mate an he went to court they gave him a 5year ban from keeping dogs an a £620 fine , they wanted to distroy the dogs aswell because of sum1 claimed it bite them it is a agravated offence ! Just a bit of advise to you would be to move your dogs [bANNED TEXT] you go to court ;-)
  12. facebook is for no hopers mate get a grip and talk to dog workers not daft c**ts
  13. only good thing about them are they are good over land but they crnt take the hammer and the thrash when dogging them shockers go all the time mate my advice is look else where
  14. been told they are little beauties 5 door for me and they are easy to mend and dont cost too much to run
  15. well me pups coming on like hes been doing it years crnt wait to see him in couple of seasons.

  16. samba give up now you have got abunch of nut jacks at home lol
  17. think my son got a rossette and a bag of food with his brindle bullx bitch come on dad 3 rossets and 2 bags of snap lol
  18. all silage down round my way its well on it way back up now its been down agood month or so
  19. interested for a friends birthday prezi could you pm me or somthing please
  20. if you go then you will see me nothing else to do at weekend or there is tek are lass shoping and spend spend spend no thanks dogs come first lol.
  21. last year i went to buxton if that helps and its sometime in august mate.
  22. been lamping in one before perfect for you and a mate and a few dogs go anywhere pal they have some real bollocks good little motor.
  23. yes i will be there it was agood turn out last year plenty of dooging lads and you can have agood crack if weather is ok
  24. hi mate i have a bull grey x bull whipet and it pics rabbits up for fun
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