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Everything posted by rebel2009

  1. Just wondering how much they cost as I have 2 5month old blue cocks and I have been thinking of getting rid as I have got acouple of people asking to buy them but don't no the price.
  2. Hi mate I got 2 shamos off a old friend I no nothing about them they are about 5 to 6month old they are bluey grey colour and I was just wondering the price as I really don't no anything about them and I am considering on getin rid of them [NO TEXT TALK].
  3. Hi mate I got 2 shamos off a old friend I no nothing about them they are about 5 to 6month old they are bluey grey colour and I was just wondering the price as I really don't no anything about them and I am considering on getin rid of them [NO TEXT TALK].
  4. Landcruiser they are 1 hell of a tool minght not be the best on fuel but by far the best 4x4 I have been lamping in they get frew some really sticky stuff.
  5. is the dog jed in these pics as i have a couple of dogs related in sum way and i have no idea which dog he is lol
  6. listen to all you slating the pup i had a dog near enough the same way bred and before i lost him he was coming on leaps and bounds and i would have chalenged anyone who wanted to from a rabbit to a big black and white face biteing b*****d so take your shit else where f**k the ban
  8. no mate he aint been to any places like that yet.
  9. he waint be looking nice and pretty like he is now if i get my hands on him when he gets few more months on his back he will be red and black lol
  10. Well i should hope so.......it's the only bitch i have that could have pups and she is nearly 5 year old and never been bred before so you do the maths and i've not bred a litter for years. I have no interest in breeding other than for myself thankyou. so ye keeping the full litter? Obviously not......most are being given to mates once i have chosen what i want. Why are you so bothered anyway?? just seems a pointless lining..when ye have a shed full a dogs proper lines though muppet the mother is out of good working stuff so why not put two good workers t
  11. Well i should hope so.......it's the only bitch i have that could have pups and she is nearly 5 year old and never been bred before so you do the maths and i've not bred a litter for years. I have no interest in breeding other than for myself thankyou. so ye keeping the full litter? Obviously not......most are being given to mates once i have chosen what i want. Why are you so bothered anyway?? just seems a pointless lining..when ye have a shed full a dogs proper lines though muppet the mother is out of good working stuff so why not put two good workers t
  12. Well i should hope so.......it's the only bitch i have that could have pups and she is nearly 5 year old and never been bred before so you do the maths and i've not bred a litter for years. I have no interest in breeding other than for myself thankyou. so ye keeping the full litter? Obviously not......most are being given to mates once i have chosen what i want. Why are you so bothered anyway?? just seems a pointless lining..when ye have a shed full a dogs proper lines though muppet the mother is out of good working stuff so why not put two good workers t
  13. wish the dogs would have been at the right end of the pipe when terrier shot down on there walk this morning al get him next time if hes at home.....

  14. as long as vidic puts messi on the deck that will do me whatever the score but would be good for manchester to win
  15. SEE MLB YOU LOVE IT UP NORTH think its us yorkskire boys she likes lol
  16. if man u dunt get 3 theyve played crap.
  17. had a dog and bitch. bitch broke her back last week so just got dog left hes been out grafting since he was ten month and he is now 14month and he as never let me down theres some good dogs out of these line and i have seen some proper shit bring them on right and you should be sorted
  18. strong looking things pup on the right sold carnt wait for him 2 grow up be just right to bring on at start of season
  19. well done matey good bags not get them round here lol
  20. ring mate 2pups still there both brindle 07746960807
  21. is it for terriers or ferrits mate swap you a bullx pup for it if its for terrier
  22. pups still here if anyone got a terrier locator and collar will swap for both pups as need the kennel space so i can split my dog and bitch up.
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