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Everything posted by rebel2009

  1. speakin 2 my dad the other day and he told me that sum1 dug a set and the vixen ad a belly full still mild tho
  2. keep my eyes and ears open 4 u pal as i just live 2 mins away from this location where u lost the dog all the best hope u get a safe return.
  3. truth is this dog dont like bin biten
  4. i ment fallow nt follow lol
  5. turkey with sum follow lol
  6. and i want a beta pic up ov dog on mi aviator luks lyk a jiraffe
  7. dad u afta get sum pics up 4 me so people can av luk.
  8. tha dunt miss owt wi them lights the world up lol each to there own i think striker i ideal its a gud alround lamp.
  9. it was taken off because you can't sell for "mates" read the rules !!!!! thank-you
  10. hello lads ad lasses hope we r all hunting hard

  11. i have bullcrosses 2 and they catch wat i want them 4.i also have a litter down ready on the 19th gud strong pups.
  12. i have got a litter of bullcrosses ready to go on 19th gud strong dogs if anyone interested.
  13. you need your head in the chip pan going with the flag u got ya dogs not that much cop beta dogs further darn here 13month pal and bin into lot even single handed shut ya trap and tek ya face 4 dump rent boy
  14. ok pal look a reali strong litter the blue 1 facing cam looks a lil stunner got a head like a brick all the best pall
  15. have got a 13month old bullcross and abet its sin and dun more than your dogs ferrit man.
  16. this boy who as put this up must breed wipet schnauzers coss e knows jakshit bullcrosses r the way forward
  17. smashing looking bitch that mate be proud 2 own that dog just the [bANNED TEXT] size like it alot pal all the best.
  18. alot of people on here av neva own a bullcross u gota show them who the boss is u gota get topside ov them give it sum fist u crnt hurt bullcrosses but :wallbash:they soon get to no who the boss is av sin many ov bullcrosses and to look at them they look like killers but u raise a fist they will soon back off. give the dog sum attention by yaself and c wat apens my mate bought a 6 mounth old dog bak and it was the same.now u cud put it in bed wi kids.the dog cud av bin locked away till now and never sin humans give the dog a chance..
  19. sorry to hear mate same thing apend 2 my mates do we was out lampin and the dog was retrieving his kill over a old lane and this car cum out of nowhere sped up and put the dog out of its lampin career same thing e dint feel owt but we gota keep going
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