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Everything posted by rebel2009

  1. I have 8 saluki bull grey pups ready to go cracking pups last litter doing there job as asked ring for more info 07909470398 Barnsley area
  2. Crnt give them away sumet up there shame u so far away just starting to get into the terrier game aswell just waiting on a bitch off my pal atb in fnding them WORKING homes pal
  3. Mine was a 7/16 bull 9/16 grey he was up and at them before they new he was coming he was 25inch just looked like a 3/4 bull 1/4 grey very good dog on both try to get pics up later he was out of reeces blood handy dog for what he looks.
  4. Good look pal wrong time of year for good guaranteed dogs to be sold atb pal
  5. have seen different so have i the dog in question is aload of shit tuck my pup of a charlie for this bitch to jak its head off i would be ashamed to even talk about this dog its jaked in front of too many people
  6. newquay here we cum

  7. newquay here we cum

  8. al take mi choc lab if you take your weimaranaer lol put ypurs in bushing class and i will go in working dog class
  9. this lad will be there there again lol just hope weather ok nowt worse than a decent show spoiled by rain crnt decide what to take bullcross or terrier see if we can win a red 1 lol hope to se some pals atb
  10. What type of breed u looking for minght be able to help atb.
  11. Scares don't mean anything a dog that knows its job well will soon learn how to get hold and get the job done its only the dogs with fooked up heads that get scared bad because they don't care what part of the body they have got atb in the sale bud congratulations on the lil baby on the way.
  12. Scares don't mean anything a dog that knows its job well will soon learn how to get hold and get the job done its only the dogs with fooked up heads that get scared bad because they don't care what part of the body they have got atb in the sale bud congratulations on the lil baby on the way.
  13. Scares don't mean anything a dog that knows its job well will soon learn how to get hold and get the job done its only the dogs with fooked up heads that get scared bad because they don't care what part of the body they have got atb in the sale bud congratulations on the lil baby on the way.
  14. Near barnsley and wakefield 4 those who asked
  15. 2 cock bird 9 month old free to anyone willing to come 4 them I will send pics to phone if interested pm me if anyone wants them or give me a call on 07746960807 and we can make arrangements no timewaisters or daft questions please
  16. I have a middleton bred lakey and its head is fooked he's the same atacks anything took nads off him and in my eyes he's worse it does nothing 4 them if u ask me I didn't want to do it as he is realy well bread but the wife couldn't cope and now she realises that its all talk about taking there nads off atb
  17. Good looking birds them I got 2 cock birds but want rid if any 1 interested I will send pics pm me your number and I will get back to u
  18. Good dog [bANNED TEXT] I've got a pup out of him 14and half week 20tts strong dogs [bANNED TEXT]
  19. How the f**k am I a messer u don't even know me for a start. So if there was some forsale and I went a bought one would I still be a messer or is everyone a messer in your mind u need to get a grip of yaself and stop getting involved in others business only comments I have seen off you are pulling people to bits grow up is that why you are called moo because you never shut the hell up like a COW
  20. Here we go people after take the piss what's it got to do with everyone else what colour or type of dog I want I aint asked for piss taking so please serious people only.
  21. I am looking for a choc patt dog pup or just working would prefer from working line if anyone knows of any litters or up and coming pups would much appreciate your help thanks.
  22. Hi [bANNED TEXT] I had a half x bullgrey he had a bang to the head off a train and it sent him blind in 1 eye it took him a while to get used to it but after a few outing and getting used to it I could slip him on things at hundred yard and he was ok at that distance so my opinion [bANNED TEXT] is you shouldn't have a problem atb and happy christmas
  23. Well I've come across a lot of dogs that make a racket when on prey meaning things that bit but they don't give in until death but all that means a lot is fitness. I've seen dogs get bit then run back to motor then week after go out and smash things up a lot of people think or its cum off its jaked the dog needs a chance like a lot of things need chances jaking 4 me is a dog that runs round in circles aving quick nip then baking of barking
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