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Posts posted by jultaylor1972

  1. :11: I know exactly what you are going through, i would compose a list for you of the items my dog has eaten but i'd run out of words!! :11: I sought advice and was told it was anxiety at being left alone. So I followed a behavioural programme (For what seemed like months) and eventually it reduced to just the odd door now and again :icon_eek: , the last incident being last summer when i had a cat flap fitted, went on a nite out, came home pie eyed only to find her in the garden covered in blood with a door pannel half eaten! :blink: Not bad though considering she has eaten most items in my house when she was younger on a daily basis. I'll try and hunt out the info and pass it on to you.

  2. Ive just been on the Country Side Alliance site and read an article that was in The Mirror today about baby grows with 'Born to Hunt' and 'Born to Shoot' on them. I think they are a fab idea :clapper: the anti's clearly don't though. They seem to think that the CA are recruiting babies now!! Whatever next, I'm 33 and have just recruited myself to the world of hunting having had 'no' influence from anyone.

  3. try your best to make sure you get the dog steady with any livestock ie chickens, sheep,if the dog is too busy chasing these instead of the rats the farmer wont be too happy also are you using a ferret or a smoker if ferret the dog needs to be broke to them the best time is now when the dog is very young just play with the ferret so the dog can see it is your friend ,it will soon get used to it you can also try putting out a dish of milk for ferret and terrier get them used to being close together just keep a eye on them good luck.

    That sounds like very sensible advice, thanks. Was planning on using a smoker, but mite be an idea to get her used to ferrets anyway just in case.

  4. Just wanted to say, its amazing when you start talking to people about ratting, apparently two of the people I work with have problems with rats! and i didnt even know they lived near farms or had live stock. So thats two places i'll be able to go with my dog next year! Good things come to those who wait eh!


  5. Im very new to all aspects of hunting and for the life of me I cannot understand why people would be so stupid as to put domesticated animals out in the wild in order to make a point about the aspects of cruelty!! How thick are they? They are the CRUEL B :censored: S!

  6. Hello '72,


    You.ve got a full year to instruct your little pup to not do what your 13 yr old dog does (dustin Hoffmans)...with the dog near your feet you can start to get more specific. Good luck.




    Thanks, im going to do my best with my pup to have her trained well, i wont be making the same mistakes as i did with the one ive got at the minute i'll say! She has caused me endless hours of worry in the past when she'd go running off for hours on end and attacking other dogs and cats in the street! She was over a year old when i got her though and its only now that she cant run far (too old) that i can let her off her lead and thats no life for a dog. Thanks again for your reply. :signthankspin:

  7. Listen to oneredtrim, the best terrier to take ratting is a steady terrier. Get her to do sit/stay/recall, a terrier running wild is a hinderance and you wont get invited back out again. Also socialise her properly, again a terrier wanting to pick fights with the other dogs ratting will be left in the car :yes:

    She will still be young and daft when she has her first trip out so dont be too worried if she isnt 100%, once you have been you will know what is expected of her and you, but aslong as she has a good idea of the above commands it shouldnt be a problem ;)

    Just a thought, but if you know anyone with ferrets get her broke to them when she is young.


    Sit, stay, waiting for rats to bolt....a must. If the dog has got its nose stuck in the hole, no way a rat will bolt.







    Thanks so much that sounds like really good advice. yr pics are great too. my pup and me r going to be two novices but im going to do my best. I'll keep u posted on her progress. Thanks again. :signthankspin:

  8. People are just being cautious. You havent been on here very long so people havent gotten to know you yet.

    You could be anyone sat behind a computer screen ;)

    Anyways, you wont be taking him anywhere ratting for quite a while so no hurry, get yourself known first :yes:


    i have a dog at the min who is 13 years old and never did understand why she bolted and chased other dogs until joining this site.


    I'm confused :blink:


    Mollys right, permission is hard to get and easily lost B)

    Thanks for your reply, I read in a book that dogs with 'terrier' in them are likely to chase other dogs and run away if they see something. In my dogs younger days she would chase anything she saw in the distance and when taking her to the woods near where I live she would always mark a spot and it was nearly impossible to get her away from it. Apparently this behaviour is about 'Frustrated hunting instinct'. But as ive said you cant learn everything from a book. I'd hate to think my new dog will end up frustrated because i didnt do the right thing and learn about her breed. Im just looking for a bit of advice so I dont make the same mistake again. :icon_redface:

  9. Hi everyone, Im completely new to anything to do with hunting and terriers but im getting a Patterdale Pup in Nov and thought i,d read up about the breed. I have a complete mixture of a dog at the min and she has terrier in her mixture, she bolts all the time and chases other dogs and cats and it all makes sense now after reading up about terrier dogs! Will be taking my pup ratting when shes old enough so any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :signthankspin:

  10. People are just being cautious. You havent been on here very long so people havent gotten to know you yet.

    You could be anyone sat behind a computer screen ;)

    Anyways, you wont be taking him anywhere ratting for quite a while so no hurry, get yourself known first :yes:


    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I understand completely. by the sounds of it its prob going to be next year when i do my 1st ratting day. My pups only going to be 8 weeks old when i get her. i have a dog at the min who is 13 years old and never did understand why she bolted and chased other dogs until joining this site. She has terrier in her mixed breed and it all makes sense now! Ive just got a few books about ratting and Patterdales but you cant learn everything from a book so any tips will be greatly appreciated.

  11. You will have some cracking fun ratting, its a bit of fun for our terriers befor the seriuos work begins, you will have some laughs if you get a good crowd together, ive seen big grown men running around screaming while the rest of us are crying with laugter, :rofl: .i hope you find somwhere to go, if you were abit closer to where i live i would of helped you out. Happy ratting. :)

    Thanks for your reply. Im hoping that some people near me will help me out, so far no one has :no: but im waiting in excited anticipation :yahoo: for someone!

  12. Hello folks i have a bedlington dog who's 13 month old, as to yet he's showing no signs of being (terrier like) can anyone tell me at what age he could change, He was bred from a strain that works to the gun, my vet has seen the parents work and says the're very good.He picks up very well around the garden and has an excellent nose, but take him away from his home surroundings and he becomes a bit of a wimp, show him a twig and he'll have to walk round it, if a rabbit bolts in front of him he just ignores it, but drag a rabbit skin round the garden and he goes crackers. any advice welcome...mick

    I read that Brian Nuttall once had a Fell that didnt show any signs of being (Terrier like) until it was 18 months old then it turned out to be great. Maybe your Bedlington dog may just change too?

    In order to be old and wise, first you must be young and stupid.


  13. ther is bound to be someone on her from your neck of the woods geordies love all that stuff been to bedlington a good few times how far from the dog track are you,also is the dog going to be a pup if so dont go starting it to early take it on a lead and let it watch other dogs working if you have some luck then let it mooch and do its own thing ,if you can try and let it start catching rats when it has got its adult teeth 5-7 months much better.have a look around must be plenty of farms were you are take a few trips out and ask for permission you never know.

    Hi, thanks for your reply, Ive never done any kind of hunting before and after reading up about Patterdales Ive come to realise that it will be cruel not to take her ratting at the very least. She will be 8 weeks old when i get her and ive never been so excited in my life. The whole ratting experience looks brilliant and cant wait to start. I was planning on waiting til shes about six months old before we start

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