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rentokil kid

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Everything posted by rentokil kid

  1. I have some 11/2 inch regulation gaffs that would be just right for a collector. They are in a good used condition and would look good in a display case. I can't post pictures but if you pm me an email address I'll send pictures. £100.
  2. Is it legal to sell gaffs in this country?
  3. I might be missing something but what stops the bird from turning round and getting out of this type of box?
  4. single mating is good but the hen can get a bit bedraggled if you leave the cock with her, even if you trim his spurs.i have used light in the past but this year most of my hens started laying just after christmas. if you get early chicks they need a light as well as a heat source so they can eat during the hours of darkness or i find they grow slowly. incubators are a must you can wait for a broody and loose good eggs they dont all go broody. the ones you really want are always the most difficult to breed.
  5. Hes not the only one using pictures of birds they dont own to sell birds on e-bay.You wont be getting what you think from some people on there.
  6. I had this happen to me once, it turned out they were eating their eggs. They should all be laying by now.
  7. I do agree I could have made a better job of his hair cut.
  8. He is a Regular Grey direct from birds I imported from the states.
  9. when getting a greyhound fit try to avoid galloping it flat out, make it work in long grass, very steep hills water or anywhere that it works hard without the speed or they stand a good chance of injuring themsels. We have had open race dogs end their racing lives galloping loose in a field.Steroids dont give a dog muscles, it just makes them able to take harder training so you can build bigger muscles. Laurabolin is the best it will also give your dog up to 5 lengths if used in the correct dose. Mike...........
  10. Its very difficult to even get eggs these days, I would say nearly impossible to import birds unless you go the official quaranteen rout
  11. You could try tapeing a hair curler on the end of the tail, this lets plenty of air get to the wound.Also get some PUKA cream from the chemist this will speed up healing
  12. it looks like a white legorn to me good layers of white eggs and dont go broody
  13. the best stuff to help pads to heal Iv found over the years is udder salve farmers use it on cracked and sore milking cows udders
  14. Hello has any one got any ideas how to stop the drinkers from freezing Im getting a bit fedup with having to keep melting the ice. Thankyou.
  15. pumpkin seeds on young dogs tobacco will make them ill
  16. this is a picture of one of my greys I wanted to put a few more on but I cant seem to manage it keeps saying there to big
  17. Thought it was about time I said hollo Iv been readinhg the forum for several weeks and it seemed a bit rude not to. Im not much of a computor expert and Iv never posted before.I dont have any dogs at the moment but have in the past kept terriers and for my sins been a profesional greyhound trainer. Gamefowl are my thing
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