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Everything posted by paddywack

  1. thanks for the advice, i just found a massive post (50 pages!) in the gamekeeping section which has plenty of info in it.
  2. thanks for that Sam, could not tell you what make it is I brought it from a game fair, that is the sort of method I try to use however I proberly need to practice more, just thought I would be able to hit anything straight away,what kind of distance is acceptable to be fairly accurate but still leathal
  3. can you give me some tips on using a catty, I cant hit a barn door if I was standing inside it, have been using marbles for ammo, what is best to use and where can I get some? not saying its the ammo that makes me such a crap shot thanks
  4. Your talking out of your arse I have had Mouflon boots for 3 years and wear them every day and walk up to 12 miles aday on heavy ballast along with walking the dog 3 times aday beating twice a week, rough shooting lamping and ferreting Like all boots with proper care and attention they should last for years clean em dry em and polish em cant agree more mate. Ive had my mouflons for 3 years and still going strong just got to look after them properly.
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