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Everything posted by paddywack

  1. Just got in after a dissapointing morning shooting over decoys on field of drilled beans. I have been averaging 20 the last 5 times ive been out with the pigeons coming in a treat to my pattern but today they were just not interested, just flying straight over. I am in the same hide and same pattern of coys as the last few times the only difference is that today it was rainning, can anyone tell me if this can make a difference.
  2. Classic Im still laughing out loud as I type this
  3. thanks for all the advice, I will try the hand over muzzle next time she does it, hopefully she will grow out of it.
  4. Chub outkast 3lb tc rods, shimano 8000 GTE reels, delkim evo alarms, greys landing net, trakker big snooze sleeping bag with thermal cover,chub snooper bedchair, jrc sti brolly, nash stainless bank sticks, chub carp cradle and weigh sling. Time to get carp head back on now its warming up !!
  5. Nice write up and pics. We had to finish 3 weeks ago as young everywhere
  6. Give it a chance mate, if its only 5 months it probably still only got its milk teeth anyway. I would not show it a rat until 8 months. As the other guys have said "be patient" she will be fine once she has her first kill and then there will be no stopping her.
  7. when my 8 month old patterdale gets excited, like when she gets let out of her run after a while in there she starts making this funny snorting noise (she also does it sometimes when pulling on the lead) I have been told it is reverse sneezing ! and to rub her throat when this happens ! can anyone tell me more about this, is it harmful or anything to worry about ?(she is fine after a few minutes) and is it something she will grow out of?
  8. Great pictures with a great looking pack of terriers, looks like you had a good day. Nice one
  9. I like it and so do quite a few fellow beaters on shoots I go on. 4lbs blackberries 8oz sugar 1lt whiskey Put all ingrediants in jar or bottle, shake it all up every few days for a few weeks. Strain it then bottle it and leave it for as long as you can. Ive got some in the cupboard over 3 years old looking forward to opening that
  10. I have recently joined a new carp syndicate and to save humping all my gear a long way am looking at getting a swb pajero to be able to drive around lake. Can anyone tell me if a 6' rod holdall will fit inside one of these easily Cheers
  11. I have this book and think its brilliant for ideas and recepies. Agree about the bramble whiskey.
  12. Could not agree more. We always have a few days at the end of each season. Just 4 or 5 of us have a great days sport.
  13. I have a pair of cammo (dpm) ex army ones and they are brilliant.Real hard wearing. Never seen green ones tho
  14. Went out this morning with my old man to do a few small earths near him. First time we have been out for ages due to the snow and him getting over a knee replacement operation. Had a great morning bolting "6" and catching "6" however on the 1st earth the 1st thing to bolt was a squirrel TBH neither of us were keen to grab it and stood watching as it escaped from the net and tried to make off across the field before Dads lakeland caught it has anyone else experienced this or bolted something they were not expecting?
  15. I always carry an opinel when out ferreting perfect for gutting and skinning rabbits and razor sharp when sharpened up with one of them blade-tec gadgets.
  16. My old man has a pair of these and the same thing happened with the zip breaking (after 3 years or so)he contacted Le Chameau about repairing them and they sent him a new pair. cracking service
  17. have to disagree mate, Ive had my mouflons for 3 years and still going strong, wear them all the time out walking with dogs, beating, ferreting etc, true have not done much digging in them but i cant fault them. Reading posts on here it seems the problem is with the "mouflon plus" mine are the standard mouflons dont know if this makes a difference. You are right about them being comfy tho
  18. She is 10"tts at the moment, her mother was 12". Both parents were workers with the father working for a hunt terrier man. The guy I got her from said she has nuttall lines and I would be able to tell as soon as I saw the pups and Mother.(not that I could) TBH Im really only going to use her for ferreting (already been out, and did well) and ratting. Have to see how she gets on as she matures before considering tackling anything larger.
  19. after reading the fellas first post again then realised he has had terriers for a while! no offence mate. none taken at all mate, always willing to listen to others. i was just trying to emphasise how much she wants to hunt,
  20. its only old rabbit holes at the moment and the odd rat hole by the river, do keep her away from anything larger. attack fell terrier, take on board your comment about the collar, my old man said the same when he saw the pics.
  21. after only owning russels and lakelands i decieded to get myself a patterdale. she is only now 6 months old but i have never seen a terrier hunt so much as her its unbeleiveable. taking her out takes ages as she hunts the whole time and is in and out of every hole we come across. This breed is definatly born to hunt.. miles more than any other terrier ive had. cant wait to get her out and working when she is abit older. has anyone else found this with patts?
  22. they wont need any training mate, its completley natural for them and will do it instinctivly, just give them the oppurtunity and they will hunt.
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