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Everything posted by jonny10

  1. I don't like your comments fuji . You strike me as the type of guy who has been a victim of domestic violence no doubt youve had a big fat ugly mrs who neve let you out lamping and instead beat you up. I bet you own a poor pack of mongrels. That's why your so up tight and abusive . Poor bairn
  2. Tonight Matthew I'm going to hunt my next door neighbours pussy !
  3. Do you want some aswel Mitch.friend ? I'm no pussy I'm 6ft 5 and 16stone of pure meat they call me the long destroyer from my way
  4. Yeah your right mate it's just a discussion everyone is entitled to there opinion there's some aggressive armchair hunters on here tonight
  5. Bring it on qbgrey do you want some big boy lets have it ahrrrrr I'm massive z,
  6. My penis is 6 n 1/2 ....... Before it gets angry . Well I'm going to go out and do a bit hope your armchairs are comftorble tonight lads keep dreaming !!!
  7. No Im not on crack although I do lick your mothers crack silent poacher
  8. When I am 27 will that mean I am a real man ! I think the half absolutely counts its 6 month for god sake a bet you guys wouldn't like to watch me bum your mothers for 6 months her back end would be ripped to bits hell yeah
  9. And you can bang them in your boyfriends mouth
  10. No they aint game enough and haven't got the heart, you want a bichon frise plenty drive in them
  11. I mean have you actually even seen a running dog run brazer ?
  12. My retrieves 100% and skins them whilst he's on
  13. I feel this website is getting terribly boring now it is full of armchair hunters,antis and people who have not got a clue about lurchers let alone working them does anyone else agree ? I think I'll join that twitter it will probably be better crack than this !!!!
  14. Have you got dangly balls ? Dan glee balls ?
  15. I don't have dogs I'm just a armchair hunter like the rest of you guys
  16. Shit on fuel and very under powered terrible on long rooms and around the doors they are too low geared you should of stuck with a Vitara you will regret buying a jimmy
  17. See if it grafts and if so keep it finders keepers and all that
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