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Everything posted by culltheweak

  1. just bought this locator and when the box is 1metre away from the collar its saying 1.5m on the box but it will locate down to point 0.0 this cant be right surely and I bought it from America any ideas chaps ???????
  2. sorry bud it came back as not sent from yahoo ? how do i contact you ?
  3. is it the blue round nose one had mine three months the head shattered when i hit a boulder bulldog are more expensive but alot tougher imo cant go wrong with them
  4. im after a bit info on a dog for a ped thats all
  5. hi guys after a number for steve.e from wakefield pm please cheers
  6. give the dog a try just as you would a youngin plenty of patience and dont expect the world at least its not been spoiled by early entering gud luck.
  7. always used stihl for every day tree surgery for ten years now used a few huskies alot more grunt than the stihl but can be tempremental overall but for cutting the odd tree up and loggin up either would do really lee
  8. chocolate ? bitch ? working lines stinks ov another money making scam this does leroy
  9. look what the cat dragged in

  10. after reading edrd january edition pannicur also cures Lugworm which drontal dosent after i have been usin drontal for years ? ? ?
  11. £35 fieldfare, po box2, llandeilo, sa19 6ew
  12. Time to forget the old deben mate. what you need is a bellman and flint collar and a pieps box, its avalanche technology mate so its bang on, pricey to say the least but what price do you put on your dog? as for the arrows mate you can forget it haha. if you do invest just wait for the dog to settle before you try locating him and just follow the numbers rather than the arrows
  13. i have just recently bought myself the new collar and had a few digs with it now with no problems its hardend plastic the same as the old 1 so it should be as tuff and as capable also, makes it easier for the dog aswell due to it being a lot smaller
  14. you still get whacky readings when the dog is traveling around the earth same as old collar wait till the numbers stop its quite smaller and recharable is a plus
  15. cheers for that its my neck of the woods mate, thieving scum want hanggin.
  16. hi all been around the sites a few years a go thought id give it another go, bang into me digging terriers hope to get some crack now the season is upon us cheers all.
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