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Everything posted by Alan108

  1. Two of my permissions used to have lots of rabbits on them,but,sadly,on the last few outings i've only had a couple each time,and that's been over 5 hours.Went out with a friend on Monday to a farm where we shoot (only with shotguns at the moment)as the farmer asked if we would like to do some lamping with him, ( not 'arf) and we had 45 in 2 hours,and only 1 with myxi, hopefully he will see we can do the job and maybe give us permission to shoot with rifles over the 1700 acres,fingers crossed!! Alan
  2. Hi,i'm new on here,but, know a lot of members from other forums. My name is Alan,i'm 64 years old,and have been shooting for 5 1/2 years,I live in North West Kent. Alan
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