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About jonansuki

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    ferreting , fishing, lamping and women

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  1. As title says really after a male whippet to put over female whippet she is in season and good to go so would have to be very soon close to Rhyl north wales as pos thanks
  2. Hiya mate av u got a number cheers
  3. hiya does any one have any staffy pups due soon asking for a friend cheers wales area
  4. i use vitalin active and meat dog loves it and seems to have bags of energy since i switched food over will have a good 2mile walk in the day and hard night graft 3 or 4 times a week and look good on it
  5. hiya guys looking to start getting into a bit of shooting looking at air guns but which is best only for rabbits and few birds will be my first air gun so a little bit clueless as what to get any help will be great thanks
  6. hiya has anybody got any old filters they are selling or were i can get any cheap i already have the red one but rabbits are gettin used to it as land is used by all kinds of people thanks
  7. Looking for some kids camo clothing or all in ones age 6- 7 my little lad been comin out with me a few times loves the sport and has asked me to get him some clothes like mine ha ha cheers
  8. He is a [BANNED TEXT] a good dog mate will take all legal quarry dont give shit he gets in all bushes nettles jumps gates fences etc chasing his quarry mate but because he has not had a litter before he is not proven dunno if he is firin blanks ha ha but the little shit wont stop humpin everyfin ha ha
  9. will put him up for stud for free because he is not proven but willing to f**k all day long ha ha
  10. i have a whippet x collie very intelligent dogs knows when the rabbit is to close to the hedge she wont follow stays on outside of the beam comes straight back fully house trained and all that my mate has a beddy x whippet thick as pig shit but very game if the rabbit hits the hedge the dog follows straight in never knows when enough is enough he will jump fences gates etc when chasing but does come back he was just bred for 1 thing i think ha ha not house trained or nothing so its up to you personally i would go with collie x all day long but saying that ive never had a beddy x apparently the
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