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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=8743 The one right at the top of the neck where it joins the skull, not to be attempted unless the deer is pretty much incapasitated. I know a guy who tried it on a red stag that was still a bit lively and he ended up slashing his palm badly as the beast thrashed, not good 5 miles out on a hill!
  2. Basic but it must work http://www.makeyourownbiltong.com/shop/biltong-factory.html be prepared for a few bad batches before you get it right, my mate from zimbabwe still gets it wrong sometimes Quickest way is to just buy it but thats real expensive
  3. An old 2 stroke strimmer/chainsaw will be much better! My smoker/strimmer cost me a tenner off ebay and a bit of time trimming the head off.
  4. I cant see how a car could not be damaged badly by that impact! It may have been a lorry who didn't even know it was hit I hit a half grown fallow fawn a few weeks ago in my van, busted the radiator brackets, bumper plastics etc but it was still drivable enough to get me home that was hit at the back end and needed to be finished off with a knife in the atlas joint
  5. If i was that keeper and you were pinging my pheasnts off at roost i'd be damned sure to find a way to get you kicked off that lil bit of permission Why not try finding out who the keeper is and go get some beating and have some birds and get paid for it.
  6. Having seen a lot of poor shooting/bullet placement from recreational stalkers using the .243, when i have been taking folks out stalking on the open hill in scotland, i wouldn't recommend it for shooting reds. Roe and fox it is great, i shot my first roe doe with a .243 but i would never own one. The rifle of choice where we were based was the 25-06...nicely in the middle of the 243 and 270. Ideal knockdown on red, roe, sika and of course the estate foxes too I still shoot mine 10 years on and love it. The big gun argument is ok but i've seen a red hind get shot with a .300 win and that
  7. Avoid the barbour berwick endurance jacket.....they are bloody awful and i get soaked in mine if i wear it in the rain! Most people i know with them don't rate them either
  8. My JRT goes beating regularly on local shoots, brilliant way to get them pricked birds Eye wipes plenty so called retreivers
  9. Lol you shoulda checked first The maggots will be cooked so won't do you any harm You are lucky to have some near you that are good/big enough to collect they are all really shriveled here
  10. Theres something big in him from a long time back thats for sure, looks staffy to me, jrt's tend to be much thinner in the head/face/body and are often tall/long legged but that dog is a monster of a jrt!! Looks well for it though.
  11. I buy new as you never know the history of a rifle for sale. Number of shots fired etc
  12. Our kennel dogs lived on it 18 pointers, 2 terriers, spaniels and a lurcher. No probs with any of them. Not for feeding to a house dog though.....unless you like smelly farts!
  13. Use a stick and hit it on the head, the whole twirling it round by the neck went out with the victorians
  14. Try using a gun, cages are very hit or miss.
  15. I shoot 25-06 and it's a nice round to use
  16. Why didn't you get the 243 ,or what ever caliber you intend to buy, put onto the ticket before it was granted????? It will now cost you to put in for a variation at a cost of what is it 50 quid these days!!!
  17. No need for wire on spinning traces. Heavy mono trace 40-80lb will suffice for all but spinning for the big ones, i have never had the need to use a wire trace except a solid trace for using big jerkbaits. Decent swivels and braid is important. Dead baiting would need a wire trace though.
  18. mine goes mental at our ferrets at home and i have NO hope of breaking him to them! He wants to kill anything small and furry, feathered or if it moves!! It will be possible to break yours as it's still young enough, it needs to be socialised as much as possible with your ferrets. Lots of time and effort required though
  19. Having seen a big cat whilst out with a pack of hounds near cheltenham, in daylight with the terrierman and another friend who runs his own pack, i believe you. the birds went completely silent as it approached and passed between 2 bits of cover, passing a gateway so we could see the size as the hounds passed on the same track.Then 10 mins later the birds came out and carried on as normal. Light brown in colour. All 3 of us looked at each other and said did you see that???? Distance of no more than 100yards. Bloody crapped ourselves!!
  20. Thats great but pics and a price would help!
  21. I've seen rats actually enter the fridge to feed after chewing through the back of it.
  22. Harmless the "sting" is an ovipositor to put eggs into a host.
  23. Easy but potentially dodgy mistake to make I know what you meant but a new guy may not.
  24. I went to thurso and was only at college about 6 weeks a year. All the rest was out working on an estate. Have a look around different colleges and get info on the courses. The thurso one is one of the better colleges tbh.
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