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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. Bung them straight down, the traps will not need to be weathered. The rats will be wary at first but will soon pop in and get caught
  2. There is nothing wrong with having a death penalty for the rapists, murderers, peado's etc Prison itself should be a deterrent IE: NO luxuries, tv, sky, pool tables etc. Mind numbing tasks like making mail bags, breaking rocks should be the norm, Bland boring food and so on. A system of removing fingers for robberies then hands if they reoffend, smackheads should be given as many drugs as they like to kill themselves by overdose. Civilised society is a dim and distant memory in this country, just visit any council estate, town center at night and you will soon see that! Bring back the c
  3. Well i have a tri coloured russel and it works just fine
  4. Hi Ratattack Sorry, but have to just reply having seen your thoughts - you can make a living out of catching moles - I do. I'm a British Traditional Mole Catcher using only traps. I have golf courses, country estates and private individuals within my portfolio. I price normally by each mole caught and my price structure varies dependant on distance, ranging from 10 -30 miles. With larger clients like estates it is done on a contractual basis - where a price is agreed at the beginning of any one period - normally a year and payment is made monthly. So I say to the gent in South Wales (
  5. Other rats will happily eat their dead brethren, you need more traps
  6. Find what they are eating and use that or prebait with another foodstuff for a few days before going shooting.
  7. They aint set right if it keeps backfilling them, probably loose in the runs. If it is full then leave the trap in place, mr mole will forget the trap is there and "unblock" his run getting caught as he does so
  8. Head is fine if you can hit it, i doubt theres many that can consistantly hit a 5p piece at distance which is the size of a woodie's head. In the back if facing away or breast if facing or just where the wing meets the body will stop em just fine. This will prevent a stray pellet potentially passing over the garden boundry which of course is illegal and could land you in the brown stuff. I shoot loads in public places with my job so a head shot is out of the question due to risks involved if i miss.
  9. try putting the hollow points in backwards for close range ratting ull be surprised on how well they perform also does anyone have better results using a pellet probe atb I know, it makes a good mess of em!
  10. You could always feed them in the morning with some barley in the shallows to keep em occupied.
  11. One less cat is no bad thing That is why joe public should leave it to the pro's when it comes to pest control but.....they never listen
  12. A couple of sprats in the back of the cage will do it
  13. Not really worth trying to do it full time, it will cost you too much in all the public liability insurance and all the other guff that you need to do it that way. You will need a lot of moles in a close proximity to make it worthwhile. If i do any mole work it is per mole or in exchange for shooting etc.
  14. He denied the charges!!Lets hope he gets to meet bubba in the showers when he gets to jail! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/8350037.stm
  15. Thurso has one of if not the best keepering course available for upland keepering I had 2 years on the courses and it was well worth it as you are doing the job everyday with a few jollies to raid the bars and girls of thurso college
  16. RWS super H points for my HW80 can't beat em for knockdown
  17. You need to realise there are many people wanting to be keepers,(loads come out of sparsholt,thurso, barony colleges every year to name a few) filling a few feeders and doing a bit of pest work dosn't make you a keeper. You certainly are not ready to be a full/part time keeper with no real experience. Theres a lot more to it! The agricultural course will probably be nothing or very little to do with being a keeper, if you are serious then you need to be looking at doing the keepering course and finding cheaper accomodation an underkeepers job is more likely after that. Get yourself known to lo
  18. They would go pretty hungry if they were slow! It is a good short vid though.
  19. If it wont let you do it then take it out on the road/ pavement for decent walks and they will trim themselves.
  20. The dog is trying to dominate your son, he is weaker than the dog so is lower down in the pack. You should be coming down quite hard on the dog when you catch it doing this as it could escalate and become risky for your son around the dog.
  21. Can you afford to pay for 5 or 6 weeks worth of sedatives to keep the dog/dogs calm for the run up to and after the 5th???? I know i cant! The 5th is fine, 1 night no real problem there but the weeks and weeks of kids setting them off is bloody irritating for me and the dog. So yep he is a moron just like the ones setting off lots of fireworks.
  22. Theres always one cleverdick aint there! Just don't get it do you you moron!
  23. Theres always one cleverdick aint there! Just don't get it do you you moron!
  24. Is it just me or does anyone else have dogs that are petrified of fireworks??? I undrestand it's bonfire night and i don't grudge other people their fun, but is there any need for it to sound like the first night of bombing on baghdad??? especially for weeks up to tonight I can shoot over my terrier, take him beating etc but 1 bloody firework and he's a quivering wreck for hours!!
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