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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. Ole badger will make a hell of a mess looking for worms and slugs etc on a nice open grassy field, but then i would have expected one in the trap if that was the case
  2. We get warble flys in the uk, same type of thing. Drives deer mad in the summer months, i've seen red deer with their entire back covered in them! :sick:
  3. Sorry to disagree but any common domestic dog is capable of killing a toddler/small child. My terrier is designed to kill things, a fox is not much smaller than a young child although smaller than a 4 year old. Is my terrier a dangerous dog??? No. It is socialised and properly trained to be around humans. A freind of mine had a 10stone rottie that was as soft as any labrador, safe around kids and other dogs but because it was a rottie it was seen as a dangerous dog by those who didn't know it!! It is the owner's fault! Look at the dog whisperer with his pitbulls and tell me pitbulls
  4. Not taken the shot. Theres plenty more bunnies out there for later. You would be pretty daft to knowing a copper is stood there watching you. Even if you are in the right. the copper may only have been there to deal with a problem at the bar in the cricket club though.
  5. Was apparently a bull type dog so could be anything really, owned by a serving soldier so it says on MSN news. Sad news indeed but not the dogs fault, poor ownership of the dog again means some lil boy is now dead
  6. As you know nothing of the industry then join a big national company and get the training etc for free. It will cost you over a grand for the basic BPCA course which lasts 8 days! Owning a few ferrets and birds ain't pest control mate, thats a hobby They can be integrated to pesty work but that won't put alot of cash in your pocket on their own. I joined a big national 3 years back and have plenty experience behind me on most pests, you wouldn't make any cash to pocket in those 3 years going it alone. It's a lot of graft but a very rewarding job, people are always pleased to see you
  7. what poison? Most modern poisons require a substantial amount of dead/dying rats to be consumed and cause harm through secondary poisoning. It may be primary poisoning with an indoor use only poison which would be a differnt matter. Most farmers buy the strongest stuff they can and don't read the instruction label It's Vitamin K1 thats the antidote
  8. You got flashed.....did the camera have any film in it???? I doubt it! Chill out the time to be grumpy about it is when the letter arrives telling you to send your cheque and licence off to the DVLA :protest:
  9. Most FEO's have little or NO experience of firearms at all, if they did then they would have a bit more common sense on firearms applications. My local FEO told me i couldn't have a 25-06 for shooting deer.....fine for fox but not deer....could have a .243 though! I politely told him that they are very similar and he needs to get his facts right! If not i would just have to go buy another rifle and that would be one more for the police to worry about!! Bloody cockhead of a bloke, i've had my ticket for 10 years and 3 different police forces and he is the first to give me grief over my rifles.
  10. Just gotta keep on with the short journeys till it can see out the windows.
  11. Not a lot you can do except sit there and shoot the mice with an airgun lol Load up the trap with plenty peanut butter and try that kor put down extra traps.
  12. Like your guns do you??? An attitude like that will soon see you lose the certificate You can lose your certificates for a minor indesrcetion with the police these days so maybe think before you and the lads go out
  13. It may be worth trying to get the vet to pay for rehabilitation training for the dog. It obviously has a problem now but whats to say it's not a tumor in the brain causing it from the cancer??
  14. caught a 16lber on a handline off an old pier in shetland as a kid, scared the shit out of me when i saw it Never had anything of any decent size using rod and line though
  15. ratattack

    car insurance

    Best of luck! Elephant are pretty good but try searching for specialist insurers for younger drivers, dont expect anything for less than a grand tho!
  16. Seen a vending machine in norfolk the other month with live maggots etc for sale in it
  17. Anyone who fails to wear ear defenders is a bloody fool!! I have tinnitus and it is ok some days but others it's a bloody nightmare....all my own fault though I can't hear a damned thing in a pub or when there is much background noise....yet when out stalking or ratting i can hear a blade of grass move...how the hell does that work??? lol Do yourself a favour and get the ear plugs back in
  18. Save our songbirds .....shoot a cat!!!!
  19. My lil grafter with a couple of compost heap rats
  20. Leave it alone! Last time i cleaned my .22lr it took ages to shoot straight again!!!
  21. Walk the other way calling the dog and when the dog comes reward it with a treat and fuss. repeat as required till it sinks in
  22. Thats the only way....back to basics
  23. ratattack

    funny signs

    http://home.btconnect.com/toadsnatcher/twatt2.jpg http://pics.livejournal.com/semi_retired/pic/000115g7/s320x240
  24. Buy a good mushroom id guide, it may save your life....or at least a bad case of the squits
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