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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. Ooooh he must be a big tough guy hidng behind daddy! Pathetic! I'd go call his bluff personally with a mate or two and get my 30 quid or at least give him 30 quids worth of a hiding! As for paypal being safe..... yeah right!!!!!!! I've been robbed more than once using those twats!! Never again would i use them! They don't give a flying f**k about you if you get robbed!
  2. expensive tacky and aimed at the diyer with bright colours! I'll stick to my talpex and half barrel traps ta
  3. Sensible ones are on holiday!!!!! Unless of course you are stuck rearing birds
  4. Did 2 at weekend with plenty others showing through now the ground has softened up! They were Very deep on my first job, 10inches + on at least 3 runs!!
  5. Anyone who has seen birds kept in battery cages would wholeheartedly agree with BASC on this issue! They are bloody cruel and are being outlawed for hens so will no doubt be banned for gamebirds soon too! the shooting times tends to be full of crap anyway these days
  6. My terrier had a broken toe just before xmas, i strapped it up and took him to the vet next day and he just strapped it with some stronger bandage. been off his running around etc since then, showing no pain but if you try an touch it he pulls the foot away. Just needs time to heal properly, if it's fixed right it won't give any bother again. Try and push it an it will take longer
  7. Thats just bloody shocking that the dog was loose if it's known to be aggressive! Best of luck with the dog and vet bill! last dog that was running loose and attacked one of our dogs bit off more than it could chew! Collie cross took a dislike to our ridgeback i just let the lead go on the ridgeback and stood back to watch the party It Won't be running loose again
  8. The dog will be fine, it would need to eat a large dose to do any serious harm. Next time use a trap. Much safer than joe public messing with poisons.
  9. ratattack

    Got Arrested

    If you failed to notify the dvla that you moved then they may well try and do you for that too. How long since you moved addresses?
  10. Scent on traps is a load of nonsense! I have and still do catch moles on brand new shiny traps straight from a shop the trap set properly in a used run is all you need....the mole will do the rest itself
  11. Linc...theres none of that electronic nonsense in my van....just a shed load of poison and traps that actually does what it says on the tub Most houses i go to have at least 1 of those silly pieces of crap plugged in somwewhere at a cost of 20 odd quid each Some people are soooo gullible
  12. Sounds a lot like a badger is using the hole or fox/badger stealing the rabbits and pulling the wires off the fence. Block the hole with sticks and see if they all get knocked away then you know it's a bigger animal, or check for tracks
  13. Be careful about slagging off Firearms Licensing Officers on public forums. Many of them do read these boards, especially if they are shooters themselves. J. I'm sure they do, but if the above mentioned chap was a shooter he would know that a 25-06 for example is a vermin calibre......yet i wasn't allowed to shoot foxes with mine till it was explained that the round was designed for shooting ground vermin....foxes etc!!! Just one of several instances where he showed how little he knew anything about firearms thats not on his script! I know the former gloucestershire licencin
  14. Having just moved from gloucestershire to wiltshire i was just wondering what the local FEO is like for swindon?? The guy from gloucester was a complete knob so i'm hoping this guy will have his head screwed on right
  15. Let me guess.....you think a terrier covered in scars, missing ears and lips makes it a good dog??? That dog is doing what a terrier is meant to do....bay! It's not all about getting a dog mashed up The dog is still young and will no doubt gain a bit bravado and get a few marks but thats a good dog he has there i feel
  16. The place for a semi auto is on a fox drive, pigeon hide or foreshore. Not a formal driven shoot, it's easy to say i put an empty cartridge in the breech mechanism to show it's empty but thats only visible on one side and it could be forgotton about I don't like em but whatever floats your boat.
  17. As above, my terrier has broken a toe on outside of his front foot presumably slipping on ice! Any tips on this, i have strapped it for now but looks like a trip to the vet in the morning
  18. Best get knocking on some doors mate. Thats how other people get permission, not many farmers overun with rats on here Not being clever just telling it like it is, lots of people want ratting but it's those who go knocking doors that get it
  19. Mine eats when he feels like it as food is left all day. He is with me all day mon-fri so gets a small pack of meat at lunch and feeds himself at night He is a perfectly conditioned dog with no fat just good solid muscle so it obviously works fine for him If i had more than 1 dog then they would be fed once a day as they would then eat all in one session due to competition between dogs.
  20. Proper wool gloves will be warm and if they get wet can be rung out and will still be warm unlike many modern materials. Theres also neoprene gloves which will also be warm when wet or dry.
  21. Thats a big bill for rats on a first and 2nd visit! bet the name begins with R Rats in a loft are either from a broken drain, climbing plants on sides of house or easy access points near ground level in the affected or neighbouring property/properties. I had one job in a loft that went on and off for 18 months till the householder finally got the drains checked and that was a broken drain. Many people diy as they think they can lob some poison or traps around and hope the problem goes away. I go to houses daily where people are doing this and guess what they still have to pay a pro in th
  22. You are stuffed on the deer then unless they will knock em back a bit. This sort of stuff http://www.gamekeep.co.uk/on-the-pull.asp It gets mixed in with a 25kg sack of grain then put into feeders when mixed. A big batch can be mixed in something like a cement mixer etc May be worth giving it a go
  23. Chicken feed kept in metal bins? If not they will eat that. So where is the stuff in 100g sachets placed? what is the stuff?? rats are neophobic....scared of new things in their environment. It can take a week or more sometimes for them to even try the poison. The sachets should be put whole into the rat holes and a brick used to cover the hole. The rat has to eat through the bait to get out. They can be opened and used loose in trays in covered runs which will probably get a quicker take. All loose bait MUST be placed into a secure bait station/tunnel so it cannot be easily access
  24. can you not thin the deer out?? Hand feeding or a spinner on a quad fed into straw will keep the birds hunting for food instead of gorging on wheat and going for a wander, which will probably end up miles away, and finding a neighbours feeder! You may find the neighbouring shoots are benefiting from your lack of regular feeding. 2 weeks is a long time not to feed or dog the birds back home especially when the deer are hammering the feeders!! No wonder the birds have scarpered. Try using additives in the feed to hold the birds/ aniseed etc. Without a lot of regular work on a shoot it wi
  25. Nurses uniforms are see thru when they bend over If you got some pretty ones it may be worth dropping a few things to perk up your stay
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