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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. Yup the fuel comes from the same depots and merely gets a name change dependant on where it goes So tbh it will never work bend over and take the shafting like every other motorist if you don't like it then use your vote or move to the arab states i'm afraid
  2. Very clean and good condition 12G markings show made by BRESCIA? Double trigger non ejector, short barrels believed to be improved cylinder in both barrels, ideal clay, or walked up game, bolting rabbit/fox, close pigeon gun etc. Used to belong to my dad and only selling as i don't get on with double triggers so looking to free up some space in the cabinet for a nice .410 instead. Possible p/x for the .410 located in swindon, obviously only available to sgc holders. Offers around £200 http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k282/pw_910/111.jpg http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k282
  3. Lol the don't buy esso/bp fuel round robin emails have started again, it wont make a rats ass of difference. The same one has been doing the rounds for years with the prices changed. The only way to change it is to change the people in power in the next election, not that many will be voting for ole gordon and his knob of a chancellor anyway.
  4. How do you mean the barrels are a different size? They should be even with an inner diameter at the end that is normally slightly different ie: chokes. If there is a screw in choke it means they can be swapped around, if they are fixed chokes then tough you've got what you got
  5. Having shot at minsterly i don't think it would be steep for regular use, there is a lot there including running boar range, gunshop is stocked with everything you need to reload on site etc etc. Have you been down and had a look? It all depends if you are a once a year down the range or every weekend punching holes in targets on the ranges kind of guy.
  6. Once again different BT's designed for different tasks including the shooting of deer http://www.nosler.com/bullets.htm
  7. Surely the V in V-max stands for VERMIN????? Hence why that particular bullet expands quickly...think about it As has been stated there are different kinds of BT's note the differences in the link, it seems you have only had experience of varmint bullets hunter zero?? Note the different colours of tips which denote the type of BT http://www.nosler.com/bullets.htm
  8. Who told you it was illegal to shoot gulls? Certain species can be culled under the general licence. An airgun however is not suitable to shoot the larger species of gulls except for close range head shots at a static bird.
  9. yep but they stand out like a sore thumb in the field not so good with so many nosey people about these days
  10. Thanks, it's a cracking clock that just dosn't suit my new house
  11. Nice wooden framed clock, glass face with the time shown by various sizes of rifle ammunition Would prefer collection or meet in oxford/banbury/bicester/abingdon areas throughout the week clock located in swindon £ Not too keen to post as it may get damaged in transit.
  12. That would be the p***y's who frequent such places for "lost" dogs. It must have been left alone for it to get nicked though Not a nice thing to have happen i bet
  13. because most of the "rabbiting men" as you put it, are doing it for the sport and permission, rather than a way to pay the bills its not a case of being up ones arse, I reckon its ok to give hints here and there, but its no difference than if you asked a butcher, to tell everyone that comes into his shop, how to cut up meat, thus saving them money, who looses out it the long run or a mechanic to explain to his customers how to fix cars or any skilled person, for that matter, how to do their job where do you stop, this is a big open forum, if new users/mole catchers, simply used
  14. Leave them alone, a well weathered trap will be less visible than any painted trap plus it will fire easily They will stand out like a sore thumb if painted, no matter what colour you use. The best is to allow them to rust slightly and metal will dull over time. hang them outside and it will happen in no time.
  15. Try minsterly range http://www.minsterleyranges.com/
  16. Thats how i would do it, could be adapted to cold smoke too with a bit of piping But don't use pine wood to create smoke, too much resin in the wood :sick:
  17. I would say the bullet did it's job! The shot looks to be a long way back on entry and quartering through the body towards the front?? it may have run a bit with a shot like that hence the big bleed, a quick kill won't bleed as much.
  18. .22 bullet in the ribs will bleed it nicely.
  19. this is direct to Edd_Wiltshire i am not the only one to use this method then you may be the one who has the stupid idea I too would use the method as it works! A nice sized ram preferably without horns will soon make a dog think twice about even looking at a sheep again, the dog is clearly a nightmare around stock so i reckon a treatment or 2 from mr ram will work far better than a shock collar, or spending days walking through sheep correcting it.
  20. You need someone with a rifle, a lamp with a filter and patience. If he won't come to you then you gotta go to him If he sits at 600yrds then get walking 450yrds out to him and blat it with a rifle. If you sit there squeeking and he won't come then try wetting a bit of polystyrene and rub on a glass bottle, that may just get him in closer, or find his run amd wait for it to come to you. Get in place a good hour before he normally comes and shoot it that way.
  21. Spend 10 mins on confused.com Saved us £200
  22. The mole you caught may well have been a different one to the mole that filled the trap. I will leave a trap for a day or two if it's been backfilled and quite often catch, i will usually set another trap further along the runs to catch it elsewhere just incase though.
  23. Shot many driven foxes using Eley 36G BB's through 1/4 and 1/2 choke 12bore O/U. shoot em a long way out and it won't kill em clean but out to 30-35yrds it drops em well if you shoot em in the front end Many people try shooting foxes on fox drives out at rifle ranges (50-80yards) with shotguns when driven it simply won't work! Wait till they are close or let them go for the lurchers further out
  24. matt, you would need an elephant and forty troopers to carry a dozen of those monstrosities, the british have developed the best mole traps in the world, and we also have the best mole trappers, you would need wimpy to dig those into the ground,its most obvious that whoever devised it knows nothing about mole trapping, i could just imagine wayne, and old bob merrins having to use these. They are pushed ontop of the run, not dug in like a conventional trap. I certainly wont have any in my mole trap bucket thats for sure mole traps by fisher price!!
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