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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. Many beasts and a bird like a buzzard could easily kill a munty fawn, they ain't much bigger than a rabbit/hare when young. Most likely died of natural causes.
  2. Yep olive oil in their food or some marge thats high in polyunsaturates. vet said that to me yesterday when the dog was getting his boosters
  3. You must be able to prove they are feral, as has been said they are classed as property if domestic cats. The safest way to be sure is to cage trap and examine for collar etc first.
  4. Surely with that tunnel you run the risk of non target captures. That looks like 2 inch weldmesh? Quite likely get a cat or similar by the foot if it walks onto it and sticks it's paw in looking for the source of tasty rabbit smells after a few rabbits have been caught???
  5. In a word....NO! i've seen aircrash investigation where a plane flew into a volcanic ash cloud and it shut down all 4 engines! They restarted but only after it dropped out of the ash cloud
  6. Go knock some doors. You won't get anything worthwhile on here as no one will volunteer land they have worked to get
  7. not quite true , a good few years ago now , i trapped over 3000 rats on 2 neighbouring farms in less than a year, 1 an out door unit(reasonably tidy) the other was intensive indoor unit(absolute shit hole), i also shot at night with air rifle , not sure what i killed but 40 wasn,t uncommon per night , posion wasn,t working due to the high protein pig food all over the place,both farms were under control in less than a year and could then be kept under control using posion in the right place I'm not gonna argue but in 10 weeks in 2008 i killed 4256 rats from a battery hen farm using, baitin
  8. A good team of dogs when they rotate the pigs out of the pig houses, lift the houses and bedding with a loader and hey presto rats a plenty Otherwise you are wasting your time, no amount of shooting or trapping will be cost effective. What training do you have for ali phos??
  9. It's just another hole to a rabbit, i get it fairly regularly on some sites. They won't eat the bait but can get poisoned from licking the poison off their fur during cleaning. Nothing you can really do about it though.
  10. ratattack


    Seen some here in gloucestershire bout 2 weeks back. Very early!
  11. No wasp nests yet mate, wayyyyyyyyyyyy too early. It will be a queen wasp looking for food. Don't panic
  12. Yep i reckon you must be! I've never bothered with one as it's quicker using fingers
  13. Just concentrate on getting it to respect you as the leader and the rest will fall into place. My russell was a bloody nightmare till i got it into line, i can now run it loose in a beating line on pheasants a simple whistle and he's turned and leaving whatver he is chasing, but even now a 6years old he still gets deaf ears on rabbits at times but soon realises he can't catch them in the open. brambles however and it's a gonner Everyone gets a tough dog to crack at some point, most just give up but it's more rewarding to sort em out
  14. Poachers pocket jrt.....the runt of the litter that no-one wanted! A friend of mine has one that is no more than 7-8 inches at the shoulder and less than 6lb in weight as an adult! Lovely dog though.
  15. 1 fox dosn't make it a suitable fox calibre Ive shot foxes with my rimfire...dosn't make it suitable for regular fox work. Fine for a close range oportunist head shot fox but not a constant foxing round. A chest shot could well have turned out pretty different Well done on the shot though.
  16. Get it back to basic training and ensure it knows you are the boss, the dog is leading you which is not the way to have things. Constant training and repetition are the only way. Any dog given half a chance will turn deaf on scent no matter if its a rescue or not.
  17. ah bugger it didn't link it It's the raison thread
  18. I bet the set trigger is the problem! Too sensitive after using a .22rf. My mate had one and i couldn't hit anything on set trigger i was fine without setting it, try using it without setting the trigger. Just use the rear trigger, you will be used to squeezing for a short distance before the rifle goes off. I'm sure it will improve as you will learn when it's gonna go bang and be prepared without tensing up. I won't use a set trigger as the slightest touch and bang it's away before you are ready
  19. I would, i've had whiplash and it's not nice! First had it 5 years ago and in cold weather it still aches now! I would claim as much as you can, he injured you, your wife and more importantly your child!
  20. Was looking for terrier racing following a post elsewhere and came across this terrier forum.....it's full of some stupid people! this topic sums it up to me.... http://www.jack-russell-terrier.co.uk/forum/read.php?6,209372 Persil to make the dog sick????????????????
  21. Pretty much any country show will have terrier racing
  22. You gotta catch it doing it and give it a bollocking at the time, no point doing it after. Watch her going to roll and run up to her telling her NO!! in a stern voice, it will work if you catch her young. My terrier was a bugger for it till i did that. Oh and the cold hosepipe wash at home ....he wasn't too keen on that one. hasn't done it for years now
  23. The dog clearly can work a scent so thats not gonna be an issue. It's 8 months old and still a pup so you can't expect it to just do what it should. I use the same commands listed but i usually control mine with whistles or if i need him to heel i click my fingers, just helps for when you need to be quiet You need to let it be a pup and it will come to know what you want in time with consistant basic training. The main thing is you need to be the boss no matter what the situation. I'm no expert but it works for me.
  24. So your first post should have said i'm looking for a terrier that will bolt foxes from rock earths and not get involved with them. A hard terrier is not what you need. You need a very clever dog to work a rock earth and to be fair i wouldn't even consider entering a dog into a rock earth if i thought it would tackle a fox where it can't be dug. You need to rethink what you want the dog to do. Border/lakey cross or a russell would be where i would be thinking.
  25. Simple Your first post is about getting a HARD terrier for your first terrier, no doubt your terrier mate has told you you need a hard terrier...therefore filling your head with shite! I bet he has hard dogs A smart dog that works his quarry well and dosn't get mashed up is a good dog to own, a dog with a face of scars or missing bits is great to show how tough he is but will spend most of the season in the kennel with his face like a balloon and no good for f**k all!! But hey it's your dog you can listen and have plenty quality digs a season or a handful of digs to a mashed dog w
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