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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. Not hornets you didn't. Bees perhaps as they swarm and make a hell of a noise.
  2. It says all ants but it's an American product for treating American ants? Red ants may eat it but yellow meadow ants won't.
  3. I always leave a blocked trap if it hasn't gone off and put a few new ones in, they often forget about the blocked one and get caught. A metal diver is far superior to a wooden one as you now know.
  4. Bumbles can be a bugger to treat as you often don't hit the nest like a wasp nest. I always make sure I treat left,right, up and down with the dust and treat with some oil based liquid on the wall/ boards around the entry point if I can get to it which seems to help sort them. Had 1 revisit so far this year. Bloody pain in the ass at times.
  5. But how? there is no access from inside, the squirrels are between the tiles and ceiling, owners say they can hear scampering noises all over. If they are big enough to be running around then they will be looking for mum and dad once you've trapped them.
  6. We always charge for call outs, if I had a tenner every time someone "knew" what their problem pest was I would be having some nice holidays on it!! Been to loads of "wasp" nests this year already. Honeybees and bumblebees everywhere at the mo.
  7. Stop picking your nose ?
  8. Simple is the way forward, less paperwork the better, have enough to cover the work done without having a mountain of paperwork that you then need to store for 5 years!! Why have an invoice pad and a report pad for the same job? A report pad is for contract customers who get a separate invoice sent by email or post and an invoice pad is for one off jobs. The invoice pad only needs enough space to have the customer address details, your details and the job description that's been carried out along with the relevant costs.
  9. Traps away from the house may work better as they are looking for food as opposed to heading for home with food already. Females will have young in the roof area now so they will need dealing with too.
  10. Never try and proof squirrel entry points until you are sure they are gone, they will only make a new one or pull the proofing off.
  11. Had 2 squirrels in mk4s this week, one clean round the neck quick kill and the other by the front leg which needed shooting in the box. They are far from perfect traps to get a 100% clean kill. Most of mine are clean kills but now and again there's one that sticks his leg on the trigger plate first! ?
  12. It's smaller than native hornets but they decimate honeybee colonies.
  13. http://m.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/have-you-seen-this-bug-how-to-spot-asian-hornet-in-gloucestershire/story-29735068-detail/story.html Some better pics of Asian hornets.
  14. Must be notified to natural England as they will want to check the surrounding areas for more hornets/nests. Got a pic of them? I saw one last year near tetbury where a nest was reported.
  15. We use the sumup card reader and it's spot on, 2.75 % no monthly fees and was £50 for each reader. If out in the sticks I log into their wifi to do the transaction. The more it gets used the less you pay per transaction ?
  16. Get some duffus and talpex traps. Throw the scissor traps in the bin they are rubbish! I catch a good few hundred each year and you do get a clever one occasionally. Had one last year took 6 weeks to catch him! Ensure the trap is not loose in the hole and make sure it's not a 3 or 4 way run as that's a blocked trap for sure! Always heel over the run either side of the talpex too. Buy cheap traps and it'll cost you more because you'll end up buying decent ones after. The difference in spring power is huge!
  17. Big ole birds that's for sure! I've watched them in north of Scotland hunting reds. Goldies look small compared to them!
  18. Regardless of which box you buy they all flood!!!! We use sx1 or multiguard boxes. Whichever you buy stick with them or at least ones which use the same keys or else you'll be carrying a bunch of keys to rival a prison guard! Nothing looks more unprofessional than half a dozen different boxes around a site. There's a mid sized company round my patch and their boxes are a disgrace but for the money they charge I'm not surprised!
  19. Killgerm, Pelsis, 1env all have plus and minus for each. Buying cheap is fine if you want to be buying the kit again and again! Don't skimp on Gloria or duster they are a good bit of kit that lasts. Buy cheap buy twice! Nothing in pest control is cheap except busy fools working for nothing driving prices down just to do a job or two!!!
  20. Ok thanks I'll look into getting them done again cheers ?
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