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Everything posted by Geordieboy

  1. bit of shooting for the first time in weeks..withdrawals are evil

  2. f**k me am bored! grab me gun and go shooting or grab me nob and go wanking...Or f**k off to bed and read?

    1. keepdiggin


      just don't film in like clipo did

    2. just jack

      just jack

      read your post backwards


    3. Geordieboy


      haha Brewman!!

      just jack I seem to make more sense backwards!

      I would have to be a proper sex perv to film myself wanking..people do that?

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. A girl consumed by fire We all know her desire From the plans that she has made I have her on a promise Immerse me in your splendor All the plans that I have made

  4. Afternoon chaps, As the title says I need some info on the pellets. I was given a tin and they are shooting well out my gun. Thing is do they make them anymore? or are they under a different name? Who makes them? They look similar to JSB Exacts..they weigh 8.44 as well. Anybody forth coming would be appreciated!
  5. Anybody got any ferrets in Hertfordshire?

  6. Type in Ferret scent gland on google and then click images, then you will have a bit more of an idea
  7. Pure belter of a shot and stalk, I would take that over a decent bag all at 25 yd range Well done pal
  8. Well done pal! Just love the picture as well!
  9. Love reading these write ups! I love to read and have a canny imagination so I was right there with you..soaking but well worth it! Good shooting pal
  10. Nice vid pal, I've never seen them jump about as much as you seem to have them doing. I remember one of your vids you shot one rabbit then were onto one or two more and the first one came somersaulting through the shot! haha Good stuff anyway
  11. Aye mate it's a head f**k! If I didn't get given the Crombo I would never have known and makes me think how many people are creeping about the countryside unaware they are using air rifles classed as firearms!
  12. Bad advise! reason why! if he takes it to a shop,the RFD has the right to confiscate the rifle,as it is classed a section one firearm.and by law they are duty bound to inform the police. I'm putting 8.4 mate. I only got the gun a few months back and with it was a test certificate saying average 11.14 with AA fields. If the horizontal trick don't even things out I'll have to get it tested at a shop then send it back to the original shop for resetting. Thanks fella as has been mentioned,try it horizontal. i have always done it this way and always been fine
  13. I'm putting 8.4 mate. I only got the gun a few months back and with it was a test certificate saying average 11.14 with AA fields. If the horizontal trick don't even things out I'll have to get it tested at a shop then send it back to the original shop for resetting. Thanks fella
  14. That's what I was maybe thinking or hoping was the reason. I'll try tomorrow horizontal and hopefuly it's sorted it out! Thanks fella
  15. Hi all, I recently got giving a Crombo and I been putting some pellets through my Brocock Concept to test power and which pellet does what. I've been using JSB Exacts weighing 8.44 and Found them very consistent around the sweet spot. However some have been reading bang on 12 ft-lbs. Being worried I bought a batch of 50 Bisley Magnums weighing 10.5. I put a string of 20 through just earlier and as you can guess, first was 11.84 and slowly rising so by the 10th shot it went 12.02. 12.12, 12.08, 12.22, 11.98, 12.29, 12.12....WORRIED! I'm after advice please. Could it be the Crombo? Or is
  16. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Turtles in the half shell..Turtle Power!! (chilling with the boy)

  17. Thanks for this! I struggle with my breathing and sometimes forget about it all together (breathing properly that is). Reading this has got me thinking that's what I need to incorporate next time I shoot. Thanks fella!
  18. Back pain crippled me last two days, doctor gave me codiene (nice but don't help pain much) and ibuprofen (helps a little) and sent me hobbling off..Went round a mates and did something I've not done for 10yrs, I smoked a spliff and my back ache has called it a night.:)

    1. scothunter


      free the weed lol

    2. BOLSTER


      Hahah mines just gone back to normal after 2 weeks, lower back.


    3. Malt


      It deffo works.. ;)

  19. Cracking read fella, all that carry on with risk assessments etc was worth it. ATB
  20. Mint mate, loved reading that! Canny pictures to match! Well done pal
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