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Everything posted by brog

  1. dont you start GOK WAN!!! that made me piss my self hes a dead ringer
  2. i like a dog to be ragging a carcass and show intrest around a hole at ten or eleven months old and then a couple of months later try them on some puppy spots if that works out well keep them going nice and steady if they have shown no intrest by 18 or 19 months old they wont stay with me ..but thats just the way i like to do things and every one is different
  3. she got run over chasing a fox across the motorway witch was a sickner but she left some pups what are doing well bitch pup dog pup i dont even like choc patts but i have to say brog you keep some of the nicest terriers ive ever seen really like the choc dog hes a cracker. cheers mate aslong as he sticks at it im happy and its a bonus i like choc terriers
  4. i am well happy for him she is doing real well
  5. she got run over chasing a fox across the motorway witch was a sickner but she left some pups what are doing well bitch pup dog pup That dog pup is just my cup of tea, real cracking stamp!! cheers bill
  6. my mate had a fell terrier x whippet and she was as game as they come
  7. she got run over chasing a fox across the motorway witch was a sickner but she left some pups what are doing well bitch pup dog pup
  8. shes a lovely bitch i give her to a pal on here what bitch is yours off
  9. thats what a triple a does she was ruff looking though
  10. got a call to get rid of a problem fox so up early and got looking after some checking the young bitch gave a good mark in a nice 4 holer so collerd up she flew to ground ......she could be herd digging and whining so we left her to get up to her game witch took about an hour then she could be herd baying so we got a mark on the box of 4 foot and started digging 45 mins later we broke through on the bitches back she was then lifted and the fox was shot ........the bitch done very well
  11. granson of charlie granson of charlie grandaghter of charlie
  12. my dog pup for next season and his sister my mates dog
  13. if you put up a pic of a young boxer and they said it was wrong would you take it down If they was threatening action of some sort.............yes.................i dont need trouble i havent already got simple as that action for what its something you can do and there in the wrong
  14. if you put up a pic of a young boxer and they said it was wrong would you take it down
  15. brog

    Gaurd Dog

    i can get a german shephard pup if thats any good
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