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Everything posted by brog

  1. i am going for my fac and need a rifle for fox control there are six big farms and the land is past for 243 is there any chance of getting a 243 for a first rifle
  2. cheers mate hope you have a gooden to
  3. no mate that was her brother hows that one doing now mate hes doing well mate had a few digs to him now
  4. i bred her mate out of these two
  5. i have one pm me your number and i will call you
  6. he does alright i like a dog to work close but that takes the piss ps if thers any spare pups/cubs pm me
  7. them fish in the pics are imports Where from? Me and my brother bought my old fella the gardner rolling tables, 25 year ago. france
  8. them fish in the pics are imports
  9. what do you think of these fish
  10. if it dont work out i can only blame myself
  11. brog

    What Brushcutter

    yes mate stihl are good
  12. i breed what i think will work and from dogs that i think will throw workers and if someone is gifted a pup they are told no lies if the pup makes the grade happy days if it doesnt its end of its days as you no i bred a young bitch to a young dog the bitch died not long after the pups were born the young dog is still going strong and out of 4 pups 3 are working one a bit slower than the other two but working did i make the right choice breeding from a young pair of dogs so i would breed from a bitch if she as had 5 years digging or 1 dig if i think it will work i will do it if i
  13. brog

    What Brushcutter

    cow horns are better than the back pack ones the inner shaft snap reel easy
  14. if you dont sell pups and pups are in the right hands breed from what ever you wish its your choice the hardest thing to do is find good people for the pups the terrier game is full of wanke.rs j m o
  15. me and a mate shot 52 yesterday
  16. He looks like you is he related to you or what ????? i can see where you're coming from twobobdog the likeness to marshman is uncanny they could be brothers hes defo the spit of marshman i had to take a second look
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